I'd go back to Austin just to eat at Gourdough's. Mike informed me last week that I'm prone to hyperbole (really?!), but seriously! This. Place. Was. Amazing. Fried chicken with honey butter on a donut (they call that the Mother Clucker)?! Yes, please.
BYU was playing in Austin the other weekend, so we took advantage of the chance to see New York friends (hooray for Robby & Kelsey!) & also to explore Texas a bit. The drive was quick & easy (>3 hours) & was dare-I-say even a bit scenic. Lots of cows, tack shops & BBQ joints along the way, all amidst some beautiful fields & big open Texas sky. We were only in Austin for a little more than 24 hours, but we took advantage with yummy BBQ, some good shopping, a great brunch at one of those hole in the wall kind of spots that we miss so much from New York, & snagged some time with a few friends along the way. Verdict: We really loved Austin. Really, really loved it. Fantastic food, some very cute spots of town & a nice small town vibe. They have hills in Austin, too (Houston = flat, flat, flat)! It's amazing! And outlets! Holy smokes. The San Marcos outlets are my new happy place. This being said (the food, the scenery, the shopping), we're going back often. We love where we live, but it will be nice to get out of Stepford The Woodlands every so often.
Photos! Look how we're all wearing our coordinating Cougar Blue! And how happy Q is to be reunited with Kelsey (he has a soft spot in his heart for her)! Happy times, except for that one part where Kelsey gave me the book that many of our NYC friends had signed at our going away picnic. My eyes started leaking a little bit...

I went to Austin last October and LOVED it! You are so lucky to live so close. I wanted Gourdough's when I went but had so many other places to eat I couldn't fit it in... I must go back and try it.
Austin really is so great! It seems like eons ago that ben and I lived there and I'm always dreaming of a vacation there.
That sounds like some of the strange food combinations you get in Harlem. That is so great you were able to see R&K, Austin sounds fabulous. I need to do some TX exploring someday. You already have me sold! and I hear you on the flat...
my sister (anna) is obsessed with austin after they lived there for a summer or two. that's where they want to 'end up'.
let's ditch the kids and go to austin city limits this year.
that banana doughnut concoction? i want it now.
I have heard the best things about Austin too! Fun to be with friends for BYU Football weekend too. Did I just capitalize Football? Guess so. You guys are adorable (yep, third time in three posts)
down in this part of the country, it's *definitely* football-with-a-capital-f . ::grin::
glad you guys had such a great time ... come back again soon!
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