Mama wants some photos of Q. Q isn't happy about this, since Mama is holding Q's favorite toy (in the form of a really large DSLR). Mama gives him the lens cap as a temporary fix, then takes it away to try again. Fail. Mama gives Q keys, since he is obsessed with all things with buttons. Mama takes keys away, & look! There's the angry dimple again.
Q has just been funny lately. Like, really extra-emotional & opinionated about things (I have no idea where this came from, of course). But seriously! He's ultra-demanding, throws little fits when he doesn't get what he wants or something gets taken away, & is happy! happy! happy! when he's happy. He also has a sudden fixation on all things electronic (especially my camera, my external hard drives & the TV remote). And! He's learned how to shriek on top of this! Oh my goodness, it's loud. He screams when he's happy & he screams when he's sad. He loves the sound of his own voice, & there's a lot of high-decibel sounds in our home right now. They're extra dramatic thanks to the echo, of course.
We went to Q's very first music class today, & he was nothing short of a diva. Every time Miss Nancy would stop singing, he'd cry. Big, huge alligator tears, as if one of his new little friends had called him the very meanest name they could come up with. And the happy song that had a big clap in the middle? So much fun, right? Made him cry like a baby. Even worse! When everyone smiled at him & laughed when I made a slightly clever joke in the middle of our initial hello introduction - of course his eyes welled up with giant tears & then spilled down over his cheeks. His feelings were SO. HURT. Because that's a normal reaction when your new friends say hello?! Poor baby. It was obviously a really emotional day for him, but let's just say I didn't make any new friends on day #1 of class. The sad part is that I'm basically only doing this class for my own selfish well being. I mean, I'm sure Quinn will like it. But I already sing to him all day long, he plays his piano several times per day & we're always staying busy. But me! I need some friends, people. It turns out that most of the moms in the class already know each other, & they discussed their lunch plans all throughout the class. I sat there trying to manage an especially energetic (um, emotional) boy, & just felt like the awkward + frumpy new girl at school. You know, the one without any friends who eats her lunch alone in the corner. So - Q & I came home, ate our lunch, took a nap (Q), & then woke up feeling... isolated. And kind of lonely. With no firm plans or agenda except to get out, I packed him up in the car, drove to Market Street, pulled out the stroller, & wandered. It was a really beautiful day, & I miss wandering. I miss long walks, I miss lots of shops close together & mostly, I miss my friends & our daily routines. So, I wandered. In the middle of it all, Mike called (from New York!), & I told him that in that moment, I just needed Suzi. I needed to be able to call her & say, Hey! Let's meet in the middle & grab some lunch. Or a pedicure. Or something within the 6 blocks between our apartments. Instead, I wandered with Q, we ate some dinner at Potbelly & I stifled my sorrows in Lululemon.
The catalyst of these sad feelings was likely making the terrible decision to try on sports bras yesterday afternoon. This should be illegal for anyone who has breastfed a baby for almost a year (& counting - or anyone post-pregnancy, really), because seriously? A bra with reasonable compression = me looking like a 12 year old boy. They won't stop shrinking, & I'm just in a really sad state right now. Q had better grow up to be a genius, because my girlfriends are destroyed.
With that burned into your vision, enjoy the photos of Q's drama! Make sure to notice the angry dimple. It's endearing, no?

Oh friend. I KNOW. I completely's a horrible feeling. And even worse when the husband/dad doesn't come home at the end of the day.
Hugs for a better day tomorrow. But, I still think you are smart to write all this out. Someday you will look back on it (and probably many other people who find themselves in similar move-induced lonely feelings).
Oh Quinn! Be nice to your mom, and let her snap a few pictures of you. I love that little dimple.
I experienced the shrieking on the phone the other day. It was awesome.
And do you remember when Wyatt would become totally hysterical when anyone would laugh? Or if we made the "duck sound?!" Complete and total meltdown.
Yay for singing group! And those girls suck, btw. Who talks about their lunch plans in front of the new girl and doesn't invite her? Not cool.
You should have talked to Quinn about his big birthday bash that they aren't invited to. That would have shown them.
Miss you.
Let's just both go to Chipotle at the same time and facetime while we are there-deal? And I miss that angry dimple!
it is a really incredible thing that these little human beings whom have experienced so little & lived such a short time, but are so. damned. adamant. about what they want.
with that said, some of my favorite images i get of roe are when he is being a punk. those faces are to die for!
this post made me laugh in a i feel sort of sorry for you way, but not that much because you are super awesome & will have a bazillion friends (want them or not) in no time because you're so funny and fun to be around. but man, talk about a life change! go kathryn.
um... how's villa :)
Oh my gosh, I can't believe I haven't welcomed you to Texas yet! I actually just moved (to Sugar Land) and I'm just now catching up on blogs.
Welcome! :) I wish you the best of luck in finding some new friends here! If only it weren't so awkward just going up to someone that looks nice and saying "let's be friends" haha.
this is all very relatable to me. moving and meeting new friends is really hard. i hope your new ward is nice. that always helps.
The angry dimple is completely awesome! I love it (except for the fact that it only shows up when Quinn is upset - that's sad). And I have complete empathy for your girlfriends. I thought mine were sad after my 1st baby. My 2nd baby didn't do me ANY favors.
So sad for you, but I know that you will have friends soon. In the meantime, that angry/sad dimple will get us all through the day. That dimple is so sad too but soo stinkin' cute all in one. xo
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