Nov 21, 2011



ellen said...

Taken at church, right? Because doesn't every LDS church have that ugly couch?!? Q's getting the hang of this walking thing.

k. said...

Yes, Ellen! Of course. I HATE those couches. Maybe I should have explained that... people may question my taste in home decor...

[eeny] said...

Aww, how cute is this.
Way to go, Q.

Jill said...

he is walking!! i hope you are ready for this...

Mandy said...

Great job, Q! That is some cute walking.

Natalie said...

Nothing like the foyer for those first steps! So cute!!

Tara said...

Oh my gosh!!!! Go Quinn!!

noelle said...

i'm dying. DYING. can you train ez? please. this is the cutest. i love his side step...

Missy said...

I spotted the church couches too:)

That's so great! He'll be running by New Years...

erin said...

i love that little shuffle. go q, go!!

Alissa said...

So cute and hilarious!!! What a lil' rock star.

Louise said...

Ah Quinn = so CUTE! Ah Kathryn = time to really baby proof!!

Lindsey (urbanmums) said...

Adorable. And the music is perfect. Yep, I knew it was church too... didn't have to explain a thing.