Nov 16, 2011

We went to the park & rode the (miniature) train.

Q & I left The Woodlands yesterday & headed down to Houston & Hermann Park for a train ride & picnic with friends + their 1-year-old boys. By picnic I mean that Q smeared his beans all over our park blanket (& my shirt) & only managed to actually get a few morsels of food into his mouth, & by friends I mean that sweet Noelle invited us to tag along with her sweet friends. 

It was nice, & needed, & I should mention - 80˚. In November. 

I was just going to say that it was Q's first train ride (he loved it, especially because he got to cuddle with Noelle), but he used to ride the subway with me in New York, has taken Metro North, & spent some time on the train in Italy last summer (note to self: post about Europe before 2012) - all of which feel sadly so, so long ago. But still. It felt kind of like his very first train ride, & it was definitely his first train ride at the zoo train ride. I didn't actually get any photos of this event, although Noelle has one.

(Next time, we fully intend on actually going to the zoo itself.) 

There are Christmas lights up down the street! Christmas lights! Everything is going by too quickly.

1 comment:

noelle said...

well. at least quinn looks cute. we'll work on dialing down the grody for next time.