Jan 5, 2012

All by himself.

It was in the 70's this morning, so we went straight to the park after our morning run.

Q has only been walking for the past month, & we haven't spent much time on anything other than the swings at the park. But today, he just wanted to play & explore. And after a few times of going down the slide holding my hand, he just let go & went down all by himself. When he got to the bottom, he stopped, looked around, & then clapped his hands & giggled. And then we did it again & again & again. 

So proud of himself! I'm proud, too. Going down the slide! Alone! Next up: the DMV.


Judy said...

I just love all Q's little converse shoes!

Isn't it just perfect that the end of a slide is the perfect height for little people to play on?

Lula. said...

He is so precious. I can't believe how big he is getting! And I love his stripes! Looks like you guys are enjoying Texas (I haven't checked in in a while..). I hope you are well.

Lindsey said...

What a cute boy in his stripey top. I am so impressed with your morning runs....