Today was warm, but a little bit grey, & a little bit drizzly - so I shot the few photos I took in black & white.
We are loving our new morning church schedule. And by loving, I mean that Quinn gets a proper nap in afternoon, & we get to do the same thing. Happy! Church is still a total disaster of course, but it's really just about survival until Quinn can go to nursery in two blessed months. Until then, I have to give myself a pep talk every week we go, trying to convince myself that chasing a wiggly toddler around the hallways for three hours somehow results in increased spirituality through osmosis.
Q is doing this hilarious thing where he shoot an arm out & goes ahhh!! Like he's casting a spell on us, or trying to cast out an evil spirit. Below - he got ahold of a honey-dipper-thing (that actually comes with my favorite bubble bath...) & turned it into a magic wand.

Nursery is a great thing. Hang in there
Don't you wish you had access to his innermost thoughts to know what kind of spells he was casting out with his little honeycomb wand?
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