Hi, blog!
Last week was a happy week! I had my mom in town all week long (+ an extra bonus day at the end!) which meant that Quinn got his hair brushed every day, finally learned how to climb down the stairs & got lots & lots of attention. She helped with laundry, cooked yummy meals, took Quinn for walks in the rain because he really wanted to get outside, let me sleep in, came to Q's music class with us & basically just kept our ship afloat while I took a little break from my daily reality. She kept me company at night while Mike way away in Singapore & Hong Kong & that really was just so lovely, & so very appreciated. I've always had a strong relationship with my mom (except maybe a small rough patch my senior year in high school), & continue to appreciate her more & more every year. Now - as an adult & a mother myself - I appreciate how receptive & response she is to other people's needs, & how comfortable I am with her in my home. She is a do things without asking kind of person & a leave no trace kind of guest, so she never really ends up feeling like one.
And then! Erin came to Houston with her littles, whose company made Quinn so, so very happy. Seeing these three playing ring around the rosie melted my cold heart (if only those photos hadn't turned out so terribly blurry). We had happy times at the park in the sunshine & it was just really extra-nice having everyone here.
And now - we're back from a long weekend in Florida with our dear friends the Cannons, Mike spent about a dozen hours at home before taking off again for the rest of the week, & I've got one hundred things to catch up on, but spent most of the day doing more important things: reading Quinn the approximately 47 books he kept bringing to me in between him repeatedly asking, "Waaas daaaat??" & pointing at every single object everywhere we went. Really though - it is absolutely, thoroughly inspiring to watch this little boy learn every day, & I'm proud of the fact that I probably know a half-dozen Sandra Boynton books by heart. My little boy loves stories, This Little Piggy & the swing. He can climb up the stairs in the blink of an eye & loves sneaking off to turn the washing machine off mid-cycle (enter the child lock feature). His hair grows like a weed, he is a wiggly worm whenever I try to change his diaper, & wakes up with smiles & giggles most mornings & after naps. He loves to snuggle, squeals when he's happiest & literally runs to the door when I ask if he wants to go to the park. He is the very best, happiest accomplishment of my life & each new achievement is so miraculous & huge. I love it + him + our family.
I also like that it was 80˚ today. And that there are these beautiful, giant trees that contrast with the huge Texas sky just across the street.
I also like that it was 80˚ today. And that there are these beautiful, giant trees that contrast with the huge Texas sky just across the street.

It is just really not fair that you have 80 degree weather right now.
Lucky me to get to see you and Q for such a sweet visit. I'm glad I got to be there and to be with you both, to play, to talk, to watch silly TV, and to walk outside in the beautiful Texas air. Nothing makes me happier than being with those I so love. I'm glad my "no trace left behind" efforts were successful. Maybe that means I'll be invited to come again! And thank you for the pictures...I love watching you all grow!!
loved these!! so jealous of the fun times you are having.
coinciding my trip with miss jam's was the best idea i've had in a long time. i want to be like her.
Nothing beats the park. It is so much fun to go with kids and see them perfectly happy playing outside. Your mom sounds like a dream.
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