I still have folders of photos from our trip from Europe, & you'd better believe I'm going to post about that trip before we reach our 1 year anniversary of Italy + Switzerland. I don't know - I just can't seem to catch up (on most fronts) lately - since we moved to Texas really - & I feel like our little family history has suffered a bit. Thank goodness for Instagram & the iPhone - & I sat down today & got totally caught up on Q's blog, which counts for something. The boy would likely be devastated if he found out 10 years from now that I'd missed a day, & being back on track means that I'll sleep just a little bit better tonight.
(I am neurotic.)
This being said, we escaped to Florida for a President's Day getaway with our dear friends the Cannons (we only got back a week ago, so I'm giving myself a public high-five right this second for being so on top of life - I may have gone to Chick-fil-A in my sweatpants today, but I'm blogging!!). Anyway - we hadn't seen them since that fateful day at Madison Square Park in July, & it was happy & easy reunion, one that we hope to be a yearly tradition. We watched the boys (now toddlers!) play, went to the aquarium, ate really good food, somehow ended up at spring training for the Yankees (Tim & Mike), discovered the young joy to be found in escalators, & did our very best to convince our friends to move southwest to Texas where the winters are warm & the summers are... more warm. It was a really nice couple of days.
The photo below where Q has his head on my shoulder? Only moments before, he'd been thoroughly traumatized by a flock of swarming seagulls because someone (Mike) had decided that it would be a good idea to give a single feathered friend a little snack. The news of course immediately spread, & we were suddenly swarmed by hundreds dozens of birds.
Quinn hates swarming birds. Go figure.
Also, I look ragged & homeless in every single photo from this trip. It was an off week, apparently. Someone call my stylist.
Also! Look at these photos of us when our boys were just babies? Love Tim & Mike changing their diapers then, too.

Fun! And for the record, I think you look lovely. And I really do like your bangs swoopy like that. It's actually kind of annoying that you can wear your hair pretty much anyway you like and it looks perfect.
FOR real, when did those littles become such BOYS!? Florida looks divine right about now...
I just burst into tears looking at these pictures, the link of the pictures at the Plaza, then the ones of our last day in NYC, then the ones from my graduation pregnant...I'm feeling very sentimental today I guess! We feel so lucky to have shared so many rich memories with you, Mike and Quinn over the past few years. You are such a good friend to me, and it has been such a blessing in my life to have you going through many of the same BIG life events at the same time as me. Hurray for yearly trips (and/or us moving to TX!)!
I love the coloring in those photos Kathryn! How'd you achieve that?
hi amy and tim! move to texas!
your hair and makeup are doing wonderful things.
the littles are very well dressed. and darling.
i hate birds. i'm sure quinn almost laid an egg.
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