Jun 6, 2012

A little story about a wagon ride.

Sweet little Ella gave Quinn a nice open mouthed + juicy kiss on the lips (if only I'd been a teensy bit faster with my shutter & gotten quicker photos!). He looked... confused. Although not entirely opposed, by any means. 

I'm fairly certain that someday Q will decide that he doesn't love me following him around with my camera everywhere. 


Meg said...

Oh my heck, that is just too cute. Did the older girl put her up to it? How adorable!!

Natalie said...

Your pictures...all of them. Love them. You'll have to excuse my daughter's forwardness. Poor Quinn is just the innocent victim- of both of them! Thank you, again, for having them over AND for the delicious dessert. You are like Superfriend. And, just looked at your Quinn 365 blog- you are such a good mother to do that. Seriously. I am so envious.

Missy said...

So great you caught it on camera. He is still stunned in the last photo;)

But now I am wondering if the little girl pulling them has fire ant bites all over her legs? I'm so worried about the grass in TX. I had no idea...