Jun 4, 2012

Sundays are for pot lucks.

We pot-lucked with friends in our backyard yesterday evening - the perfect way to get together (food!) & to make good use of a warm Sunday afternoon. I made Kelsey's Shredded Pork & Pineapple Tacos, & everyone else brought a lot of really great & delicious food (think pastas, dips, salads, desserts, etc). I really think that a weekly pot luck is the way to go - lots of options, lots of company for the littles, & some good time to relax for the adults. It was nice. 

I had made some sort of complaining remark about our ward on the way home from church, & Mike looked at me & said, Kathryn! There are eight couples coming over to our house tonight, all of whom you like! What's the problem?! 

This is true, & really - I'm happy, happy & grateful that we've collected a really nice little group of friends in The Great State of Texas. I need to stop any & all complaining.

And Quinn! He's in heaven when his friends come over, & with the boy / girl ratio being clearly in his favor, I'm sure he's hoping that we're here through his teenage years.

(When happy & well-rested) I really love toddlers.


Jill said...

I knew you wouldn't make those egg rolls!

erin said...

q looks like he knows exactly what he's doing in that last shot.