Jul 11, 2012

Priest Lake 2012: Family photos.

It turns out that we sort of managed to get to Utah (& then Washington) without any shirts for Q in our suitcase (enter a mini-shopping spree), that I really only packed a few tshirts & a lot of swimsuits / sweatpants for myself, & that Mike - well, he's always the easy  & uncomplicated one. Nevertheless - Kylie & Dave spent last week at the lake with us (hooray!) & we threw ourselves together (barely) to snap just a few last minute + quick family photos.

(Thank you, thank you Kylie.)

I'm almost 30 weeks pregnant, which means that no ammount of hand-on-hip action is slimming, but here we are. Sigh.  

I really love my family.

(I also love Priest Lake, huckleberries, waking up with the sun - at 4:30am!, morning hot chocolate, eventual showers at 6pm, tons of cousins running around with Q, co-parenting with my sisters & mom, beautiful sunsets, low low low humidity, lapping water & cool breezes. We're having a really nice time. I just miss cell reception & daily chats with my favorite friends. And my husband! One week was not long enough.)


Heidi said...

You & your family look great! Every time we are at priest I am always telling my husband about your fantastic lake house. It. Really is the most beautiful place! Have a great vacation!

[eeny] said...

love these family pictures. you are such a cute family.

Becky said...

You look gorgeous! Looks like you had a wonderful time.

Whitney said...

That is the tiniest little bump I've ever seen! You look absolutely beautiful.

Lindsey said...

Cutest family and pregnancy pictures! Have the best time there - looks like heaven!

Meg said...

These are wonderful! You will cherish them always. As always, Kylie did an awesome job capturing ya'll's sweet little family. xo

Jill said...

Gahhh, you are gorgeous, K. I love these. Really, such a perfect moment in your favorite place... before baby boy comes along. Love them. Great job Kylie.

jocelyn said...

i second what everyone else has already said. you are a very very small pregnant person. you guys all look great. quinn is seriously cute.