Mike is currently upstairs putting the legs on the third dresser that we've had delivered for Little Brother's nursery. We only need one, & this one is the third - meaning, they've all been broken upon arrival. Ugh. My luck with furniture over the past year has convinced me that it takes at least two tries to get something right into this house.
The first piece was damaged (a knick in the wood on the top), & the 2nd arrived with beautiful knobs... that were chipped in various places. Seriously (#firstworldproblems)! I've had to spend lots of time on the phone arranging for pick ups & returns & then have had to reschedule more deliveries which are always for an especially convenient four hour window. Perfect.
The third time seems to have proven to be the charm, but getting the legs on - the only piece not already assembled - has taken up a good chunk of Mike's time tonight. He just looked at me & said, You should go do something while I take care of this! Like blog!
Hi, blog.
When we got back from Priest Lake, I sat down & made a list outlining about 50 to do's. I've accomplished 27 things since then (& added more), so we'll call that progress. Some have been big (making a Priest Lake video, & going through & organizing all of Q's clothing from his first 18 months of life - that took four hours in a hot closet on a Friday night, but oh the nostalgia of it all), some have been medium (starting work on a baby shower for friend Natalie, dropping off various packages at the Post Office & the UPS Store, & sending my camera lens to the hospital via FedEx), & some have been small (email a friend, schedule a haircut, make our bug guys come back [this is war], & send Priest Lake photos to family, etc). And then there are some things that will likely not get done until 2013 (turn 6 years of blog posts into a Blurb book, & do something with our Europe photos that are clogging up my iPhoto). It's all been a little exhausting, but still fulfilling at the same time. Accomplishing things eases my anxiety (wherever that particular anxiety might be coming from at the moment), & having things in order just feels like. Because I feel like I have things zooming at me, it's been good for my mental health.
(But I'm tired.)
Ironically, Mike's current favorite show is Pawn Wars or Storage Wars or some other spinoff (turns out there are several - & that he was really lonely while we were gone). All of these shows are basically my personal version of hell - lots of junk & messes. Every time we watch another episode - typically late at night when I should be sleeping - I think of something else I can clean out.
We're having fun this week, too. I've done a lot of cooking (which is mostly fun), spent lots of time at the pool with Q, & have generally been settled into a routine of errands, seeing friends & being together as a family (with some serious online shopping in preparation for Little Brother squished in between). Mike's travel schedule has finally eased up, & we're liking being in the same city & time zone for multiple days in a row. It's refreshing (& won't last).
Other news: Q is obsessed with open-mouthed kisses on the lips (lovely), can walk down the stairs all by himself now (thanks, cabin!) & navigates his way all the way to the Vimeo videos on my iPhone. He is blond. So, so blond all of a sudden, & looking just like Mike. Really, he's just full of silliness & giggles.
It's August! The month we moved to Texas last year. Going through all of Q's baby things plus looking at the calendar (& back on our blog) has made my mind wander all sorts of places. It's been such a busy year for us - two years, really. Despite the fact that I've always had a tendency to over-share here (something I'm intentionally cutting back on), I'm happy that I kept track of how I felt. And now - I feel better, & lucky (but still a bit homesick every now & then).
I'm 32 weeks pregnant & feeling it all of a sudden. My snoogle is my very best friend, & I'm surviving off of daily doses of chocolate milk & cheerios. I'm thinking that I'll wear a maxi skirt & a tshirt every day until this baby shows up.
One year ago.
(Random photos from our week so far.)
When we got back from Priest Lake, I sat down & made a list outlining about 50 to do's. I've accomplished 27 things since then (& added more), so we'll call that progress. Some have been big (making a Priest Lake video, & going through & organizing all of Q's clothing from his first 18 months of life - that took four hours in a hot closet on a Friday night, but oh the nostalgia of it all), some have been medium (starting work on a baby shower for friend Natalie, dropping off various packages at the Post Office & the UPS Store, & sending my camera lens to the hospital via FedEx), & some have been small (email a friend, schedule a haircut, make our bug guys come back [this is war], & send Priest Lake photos to family, etc). And then there are some things that will likely not get done until 2013 (turn 6 years of blog posts into a Blurb book, & do something with our Europe photos that are clogging up my iPhoto). It's all been a little exhausting, but still fulfilling at the same time. Accomplishing things eases my anxiety (wherever that particular anxiety might be coming from at the moment), & having things in order just feels like. Because I feel like I have things zooming at me, it's been good for my mental health.
(But I'm tired.)
Ironically, Mike's current favorite show is Pawn Wars or Storage Wars or some other spinoff (turns out there are several - & that he was really lonely while we were gone). All of these shows are basically my personal version of hell - lots of junk & messes. Every time we watch another episode - typically late at night when I should be sleeping - I think of something else I can clean out.
We're having fun this week, too. I've done a lot of cooking (which is mostly fun), spent lots of time at the pool with Q, & have generally been settled into a routine of errands, seeing friends & being together as a family (with some serious online shopping in preparation for Little Brother squished in between). Mike's travel schedule has finally eased up, & we're liking being in the same city & time zone for multiple days in a row. It's refreshing (& won't last).
Other news: Q is obsessed with open-mouthed kisses on the lips (lovely), can walk down the stairs all by himself now (thanks, cabin!) & navigates his way all the way to the Vimeo videos on my iPhone. He is blond. So, so blond all of a sudden, & looking just like Mike. Really, he's just full of silliness & giggles.
It's August! The month we moved to Texas last year. Going through all of Q's baby things plus looking at the calendar (& back on our blog) has made my mind wander all sorts of places. It's been such a busy year for us - two years, really. Despite the fact that I've always had a tendency to over-share here (something I'm intentionally cutting back on), I'm happy that I kept track of how I felt. And now - I feel better, & lucky (but still a bit homesick every now & then).
I'm 32 weeks pregnant & feeling it all of a sudden. My snoogle is my very best friend, & I'm surviving off of daily doses of chocolate milk & cheerios. I'm thinking that I'll wear a maxi skirt & a tshirt every day until this baby shows up.
One year ago.
(Random photos from our week so far.)

1 comment:
I really love blogging. And yours is always a good one to click on and see pictures with clever writing. Q is looking so old and yes, SO blond! Can't believe how tiny he looks in that 1 year ago post.
Oh I am so excited for you! You are getting so so close to little brother 2012 and I can't wait to see him. I wonder if he will be just as blond or have more Kathryn in him and how much Q will love him. It makes you fall in love with baby #1 all over again:)
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