Since I'm enjoying this last month as a mother of one 1-year-old (holy smokes, why am I having a second already?!), Q has of course woken up unhappy at 5:30am every morning for the past week. Forget the fact that I'm in my third trimester of pregnancy which is generally comfortable & fun enough as is - this is killing me, or at least making me look haggard & tired. It is pitch black at 5:30am & my body does not want to get out of bed, not one single bit. I'm grateful for a husband who has let me sleep the past few days while he goes & watches endless Vimeo videos with a little boy who just wants to snuggle with someone else who is awake - plus Donkey & Puppy, of course. Have I mentioned before that I hate teething (I have nothing else to blame)? I really hate two-year molars. Poor boy. He's not very good at letting things just roll off of his shoulders.*
(This morning, he made up for the painful hour by giving me two random & quick kisses on the cheek when he broke free of Mike on the couch, ran into our room & climbed up on our bed to say good morning - as if to say Sorry, Mom! But it's 7am! Wake up!!)
I've coped with these mornings by making really delicious breakfasts. I think it helps all of our moods, & I've learned that I really love following in my mom's footsteps by normally always having a nice, hot breakfast. Gets us all started off on the right foot, you know?
(Post edit: Confirmed. Molars. Top two are making their way in. FOUR coming in at once. I don't blame him.)
(Post edit: Confirmed. Molars. Top two are making their way in. FOUR coming in at once. I don't blame him.)
In other news:
Q tried to have a praying mantis as his breakfast the other day. Today, it was the biggest wasp I've ever seen in my life. He was playing out back while I was cleaning up his breakfast & I noticed him sitting on the ground & staring at something intently. By the time I made it out there he was literally petting the wasp. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!! He laughed. Seriously, this little boy has always had an especially keen attention to detail. I imagine him being an engineer, or a scientist or the best editor in the universe. Or maybe one of those guys who works on the line in a marble factory & sits there picking out all of the duds.
Q tried to have a praying mantis as his breakfast the other day. Today, it was the biggest wasp I've ever seen in my life. He was playing out back while I was cleaning up his breakfast & I noticed him sitting on the ground & staring at something intently. By the time I made it out there he was literally petting the wasp. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!! He laughed. Seriously, this little boy has always had an especially keen attention to detail. I imagine him being an engineer, or a scientist or the best editor in the universe. Or maybe one of those guys who works on the line in a marble factory & sits there picking out all of the duds.
People are starting to look at me with those kind, sympathetic eyes when I'm out in public. This means that I'm almost done being pregnant, or that they're seeing me with an obviously-active toddler & wondering how on earth I'm going to cope with a newborn at the same time. But really, people in Texas are lovely & most have been very kind to me these past few weeks. A man at Trader Joe's returned my shopping cart for me yesterday. I'm sure I looked exhausted. I had Q in my arms, and it was raining. He offered, & I quickly & gladly accepted. It's the small things! I appreciated him.
(I also appreciate Trader Joe's. I may even be happily taking it for granted.)
The nursery is coming together. Mike hung photographs up last night, the crib, dresser & bookshelves have all arrived, & our window coverings go up on Thursday. Clothing is washed, organized & put away, the double stroller is picked out, I just ordered a second camera for our monitor (!!), the rocker should be here within a week or two & then we're just waiting on a few more things to arrive. Hopefully Little Brother won't beat them to the punch, but we're ready either way. We have a bassinet in our room & clean diapers. Good to go.
Q got a new friend. We've named him Fuzzy Bear, he lives on the couch downstairs, & he had to come home with me after a recent trip to Kuhl Linscomb. He's like a Pillow Pet, but not a Pillow Pet (thank you, JellyCat). Q loves him.
We did a lot of swimming this week. Q's hair basically looks like I dumped a bottle of peroxide on it. We may have an issue with roots once winter (Houston's version of it, anyway) sets in...
Q got a new friend. We've named him Fuzzy Bear, he lives on the couch downstairs, & he had to come home with me after a recent trip to Kuhl Linscomb. He's like a Pillow Pet, but not a Pillow Pet (thank you, JellyCat). Q loves him.
We did a lot of swimming this week. Q's hair basically looks like I dumped a bottle of peroxide on it. We may have an issue with roots once winter (Houston's version of it, anyway) sets in...
One year ago: 2,208th (& last) post in New York City**.
*I have no idea where he gets this from. None at all.
*oh my goodness, reading that post made me cry.

Q could almost fit in with my children with that sun bleached hair ;-)
6 a.m. in Minnesota (in the summer) is bright as day. Makes the early mornings slightly easier than in the winter. But instead of getting up with my kids, I make them come back to my bed until 7. Have you ever tried that with Q? they are restless and want to play with my phone and sometimes even watch a show, but it is worth it to me to still be in my bed
Blonde blonde blonde! Look at that little guy!
his hair. it kills me, all that blond. with his big chocolate eyes... he's perfect.
i wondered if baby brother was going to inherit the video monitor. now tell me if baby connect has the capacity for two children... ? is q getting kicked off the app?
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