Sep 26, 2012

Say hello to West.


Steve said...

Thanks for sharing! Great to see all of this!

We love all of you!

Unknown said...

you're so good at this- the videos but also being ready to love another baby boy. it was very sweet to watch! (sometimes I put on Renee and Jeremy to get myself to sleep. love!)

s.lloyd said...


s.lloyd said...

love, jill

Judy said...

How precious! My mistake was watching this as I'm sitting at my desk in my 4/5th grade classroom while the kids are at lunch...and now I have no eye make up left! This is beautiful!!!

Morgan said...

I got some serious happy chills while watching this. West is so precious! Congrats again!

ellen said...

Um. Awesome.

Mandy said...

Congratulations. He is beautiful!

Julie said...

This is the opposite of birth control. Such a beautiful video.

Heidi said...

Kathryn I have loved watching your journey into motherhood and now as a mother of two, so beautiful.

Heidi said...

I love love the video! Your little family looks, just perfect! So happy for you, congrats!

Amy said...

My heart is seriously just so happy for you Kathryn and Mike! Thanks for sharing this...can't wait to meet this little guy.

Luke{and}Dana said...

West is so precious! Such a sweet film, especially the part of Quinn with his little brother! Congrats!

Missy said...

Obsessed. This is perfection, these boys will LOVE watching this in a couple days let alone in twenty years. You are a gem Kathryn. My favorite part is you holding West and just staring into the camera.

Ylrac said...

very sweet. ALMOST makes me want another. Almost.

Elizabeth said...

Hello West!

Kera said...


Meg said...

This makes me want to go wake my little one up right now and scold him for growing into an 8 week old already.

This is such perfection. I am so happy for your family of 4. So much love! It is exploding through this film. XOXO

Ming said...

Pure Happiness.

Kera said...

i loved every minute of this video.

and your word verifications are excruciating.

Lizzie said...

This is such a treasure to have. The expression on your mom's face as she is watching you in labor is incredible. It made me tear up. Women are amazing.

Lindsey said...

LOVE this - so beautiful and the most perfect thing to capture these early days!