Oct 22, 2012

A little behind.

I've had a lot of conversations the past few weeks about the new normal that I'll eventually reach. 

Obviously, this normal will be happy, fulfilling & sweet with these two little boys. But I'm also inching towards accepting the fact that it will also include perpetually just being a little bit behind. 

(This is a frustrating reality for someone who has such a love affair with checkmarks.)

My mom is getting off of an airplane in Houston in a few minutes (bless her heart - I love her so!) & staying with me for the week. She gave me a 7 second said-with-love lecture the other day on the phone saying, I'm not coming to Houston so that you can work on projects! I'm coming so you can take a nap! Mike is in Europe this week, & while I'd love to chip away at my to-do list (including catch up on blog!!), I just know I can't do as much as I want to do. I just can't. 

New normal, new normal new normal, new normal. 


In the meantime, I put Q down for his nap this afternoon just after West had gone down for his (sweet mercy). 

Q: Mwah! (kiss from Donkey to Mama, of course)
Mama: Thanks, Donkey! Night, night. Have a good sleep!
Q: Milk?
Mama: No, sweetheart. You just drank a whole cup of milk. 
Q: Cheese??
Mama: No, Quinn. You had macaroni & cheese for lunch, remember?
Q: Ella! 
Mama: We're going to play with Ella at the park after your snooze, but you need to go to sleep for a little bit, okay?
Q: Coke! 
Mama: Um... that's mama's drink? 

Other things of note from our day: Our sweet house cleaners were here today & Q practiced his Spanish all morning long. Si, si!! Si!!!! (jumping up & down excitedly once he understood what he was saying). He can also answer basic questions in Spanish, & will say Hola! but not Hi! We think it's really funny. 

Also! He suddenly thinks it's hilarious to call me Dad all of a sudden (because maybe we laughed at it once?). I give him milk - Thanks, Dad! I make him a delicious lunch while wrangling an infant. Thanks, Dad! I give him a cookie that I made from scratch while walking uphill both ways in the snow. Thanks, Dad! 

(fits of giggles, of course.)

Our two year old has suddenly turned incredibly silly. 


Elizabeth said...

Love the picture! and My boys loved calling me anything but mom.. its a fun game.

Meg said...

Giggles at your mom's comment. She knows her daughter all too well.

New normal. Well put. Acceptance - hard to find. :)

Willamette Ward Relief Society said...

I call my kids Frank when they call me Tara. It doesn't happen often, and when it does it's usually when I'm not paying attention, but they think it's hilarious.

Heidi said...

Oh not all Moms are that ready and willing to help- count your blessings! I am so glad you had so much support following your no good terrible horrible very bad week. and Happy Happy Birthday!

Also, I don't think you will always feel behind. Having two {older} children that play together actually frees up a lot of time that I never had with just one. These days I sometimes even feel like the 3rd wheel with my kids, they are in their own world. Surely two brothers will be the same.