West: Opens his eyes rarely. Uses his lungs occasionally. Sleeps often. Eats well. Makes little squeaky, chirpy sounds (I call him Little Bird). Busy growing. Loves napping in between the cushions on the couch. Hates the swing we just bought (& will return). Not a fan of the hiccups. Likes his vibrating bouncy seat better. Tolerates the bath, hates the binky 97% of the time (!!). Has a tendency to pick out stripes just like his big brother.
Quinn: Obsessed with the number eight & finds it wherever he goes. Loves the letter "O" & is practicing the others (the magnet board with letters & numbers went up in the playroom just in time). Says his brother's name like this - Wessssssssssssst. Is finally saying love you! to me whenever he's going to sleep or saying goodbye, & will finally refer to me by name - Mom! Mom! Mom! Loves his little brother's fuzzy head, says night night when we're swaddling him or putting him down for a nap, & loves to sneak into our room so that he can rock (um, shake) the bassinet while he's sleeping. Occasionally pokes him in the eyes or pats a little too aggressively (we're practicing). Has demonstrated some early protective tendencies on behalf of his little brother, which is really just tender (it's certain he already loves him). Also still loves most forms of Mexican food, carbs & dairy products. Will not touch fruit - besides bananas or applesauce - & only gets vegetables in the form of occasional green smoothies (we're trying). Says Cheese!! & Milk!! dozens of times a day. Loves giving hugs & kisses, climbing up the rope ladder at the park, practicing saying his prayers at dinner (Thank you...) & doing just about anything with his dad. Obsessed (understatement) with choo choo trains. Learned dozens of new words this week. Generally very sweet, sometimes very silly.
Two boys! I love them both.

1 comment:
Wear that camera out on these boys, I love seeing them.
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