Quinn loves to run up to our bedroom door & either a) try to break in to sabotage his little brother's nap, I suspect or b) go shh!! shh!! shh! to remind us all that West is in fact sleeping. If a blanket is over the carseat, he'll just wave & say Night, night! At least he's being (mostly) respectful of that precious sleep that newborns need.
(For West, this means probably 22+ hours a day. This boy sleeps, knock on wood. My pediatrician said he'd almost be concerned were he not doing so well & gaining weight so quickly. But - he's still fresh & new - & was a week early - so I'm still just waiting for him to wake up & turn into the spirited newborn from which my spirited toddler grew.)
Quinn loves to snuggle up really close to me while I'm nursing the baby. It makes me feel better about my continually divided attention if we can sit there & chat for those few minutes about the things we see around the room, what he's done that day, etc (his typical response lately to every question I ask is, Yeah!). I'm just happy that he still loves to sit by me, just as close as he can possibly get (even though he sometimes has ulterior motives of breaking away with my phone.)
My mom left this evening. I broke down into those predictable tears as soon as she started walking towards the car in the garage, & then cried again after my brave face went away & the car drove down my street. To say that she's been helpful would be a massive understatement. She kept me busy & occupied the week before West arrived, she worked with Mike to help me get through what ended up being an incredibly painful labor & delivery without an epidural (I simply would not have survived without them), & she kept all of us sane, somewhat well rested, well fed & organized after we brought a new baby into our home. My refrigerator is stocked with fruits & vegetables, our laundry is all done, & of course she left fresh sheets on her bed & everything in perfect order (she knows me well). I love, love, love that she was able to spend so much time with Quinn while she was here - & she really taught him so much (including all about several YouTube videos from which we will likely never escape)! He's turned into a new boy these past few weeks, with an exploding vocabulary & lots of new tricks - many thanks to her. I know that Q will wake up tomorrow morning so disappointed that Grandma isn't here to play. As for me - I'm going to have to be a big girl & figure out how to survive without my mama all over again. Bitter sweet.
The rest of the week - we're home, just the four of us. Mike is taking the week off of work, & I'm slowly dipping my toes into parent of two independence in preparation for him going back next week. One day at a time...

The day mum leaves is so hard. Luckily you are superwoman and can totally handle this. So looking forward to getting back to meet West! Also love all your pics (as always).
west has the most perfectly shaped head. have i said that before? i feel like i have. i guess that's what you get when you come barreling through the birth canal with no respect for the comfort of the mother. tradeoffs.
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