Nov 13, 2012

Nothing in particular.

Q had his first candy the other day. It's not like I only feed him vegetables (he will not eat vegetables except in the form of sweet potato fries or Mexican food), nor do I have any serious moral issues with candy for toddlers (in moderation), but he's just never really been into sweet things, despite his favorite word of late being cake!! Given the season though, we've had a candy jar on our kitchen table for the past several weeks. None of us really eat it, but we've had it nonetheless. The other week as he sat at the table with his snack (milk, applesauce & crackers), he started pointing & asking for a Cookie!! over & over again.

(Anything sweet is basically a cookie for Quinn. Sometimes even a Kashi cracker will suffice, although more often than not, he'll take a bite of whatever cookie we offer & then discard the rest. We're obsessed with how he says the word - squinting his eyes & overly enunciating, like cooookeeeee, with a  really wide mouth at the end. I need to record it.)

So he ate his first Butterfinger - & loved it, chocolatey gooey fingers & all. And then he wanted Mo! Mo! Mo! (In his sweet little voice while signing more with his chocolatey gooey fingers)

I made sure to brush his teeth for a few extra seconds that night.

What else.

West is asleep in 98% of the photos I take of him. I feel like the majority of his time is spent either sleeping, or eating, or needing to go to sleep. It's an interesting phase when these little people can only stay awake for 45 minutes at a time (I feel the same way sometimes).

Thanks to nursing a baby a half-dozen-ish times per day, Q has developed a nice little attachment to the iPad & YouTube. Mostly, it's been trains, ABC songs & The Wheels on The Bus (+ other sweet videos my mom introduced him to). Tonight however, he spent a solid 20 minutes on a channel he somehow found featuring some German talent competition where pre-pubescent girls were singing I Will Always Love You while wearing too much makeup. He sat there laughing & clapping the entire time & seemed to understand every word they were saying. 

My front room is finished! Well, I have all of my furniture, anyway (the walls are still bare). A side table & a chest arrived this week & it's really exciting, especially after 15 months of walking past an empty room, & especially since I've basically had the pieces picked out for the past year. Pulling the trigger feels really great sometimes, although our house situation has required a lot of slow & steady patience (I'm good at neither). I've said it before & I'll say it again - I'm sure our house will feel finished as soon as we're ready to move. 600 square feet made for a much simpler life. 

Both boys fell asleep in the car the other day (week? I'm losing track). I suddenly had one of those I have two!! moments that makes my head spin just a tiny bit. One has brown eyes, & the other blue. Mine are green. I don't remember how that works out  - I think I got a B in high school biology, & I took it from the easy teacher.



caitlin and brinton said...

Most of the time people dress their boys in character clothes or throw together outfits that just look sloppy. Your boys always look darling in simple cute boy clothes. I hope I have a boy and can dress him as well as you do yours. I love it!

Jill said...

Quinn just ate his first piece of candy? Why are you even friends with me again? I'm pretty sure Wyatt came out with a butterfinger in his mouth.

Oslo på svenska said...

So, how do you get borh sleeping boys out from the car? One by one I assume? Pregnant with no 2 now, will have 23 months apart so I'm learning from you here :-)

Elizabeth said...

Well not that he likes candy what kind are your going to try next! They are soo soo cute!

erin said...

i'm going to pretend i didn't just read jill's comment.

his first piece of candy?? i'm pretty sure both my children were choking down m&ms and dum dums before they started rice cereal.

k. said...

One by one, absolutely! Toddler first. :)