Dec 11, 2012

The Bath.

The hours between four & eight pm generally put a cold fear in my heart - but I've said that before.

Those third & fourth naps when babies are little - they're always iffy ones, right? We have better success if we're out on a walk. If we're home & it doesn't happen, I've got a fussy baby, a hungry toddler & two little boys who need to go to bed at just about the same time. When I've got a traveling or working husband, it's especially fun. Hooray!

The joint-bath situation obviously works best, except when Big Brother decides that Little Brother needs some extra rinsing (West is fairly tolerant of direct dumps to the face). Q happily splashes, I sit on the little seat & clean them both, West gets out first for lotion & jammies, then bounces away in his lounger until Q finishes with the same. We always do Fuzzy Wuzzy (Q's request) while toweling off his hair - something my mom did with us when we were little. 

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he? 

He laughs & laughs & laughs & says More!!

Things are going better every week, but we still have those epic nights where Q is crying, or West is exhausted & sad, or I'm exhausted & sad. Mike was around to help last night though, a good thing since West took a lovely two hours to go to sleep, probably thanks to a sad tummy (which is always, it turns out, my fault - sigh). When our house was finally quiet, I was spent. 

But now - it's 7am. Quinn went to sleep 12 hours ago & is still cozy in his crib. West - he was finally down at 10pm & didn't make a peep again all night. Bless that sweet little boy. It's true that you start loving your babies even more when they start really sleeping.

Mike is away tonight. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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