Dec 4, 2012

What I don't want to forget about today.

I was putting Quinn to bed a few hours ago & he requested that I sing approximately two dozen songs (his new nightly routine - More! Songs! More! Songs!). So, I sang my best versions of Powder Blue, You are My Sunshine, Give Said the Little Stream, At the Gates of Heaven, Jesus Wants me for a Sunbean, I am a Child of God, The Itsy Bitsy Spider & the ABC's. You know. The basics.

A prayer, a hug & a kiss, & he was in his crib. I said night night & started to walk out of the room when I heard, Mom! Hug! I turned around to see his arms were outstretched. Tender! Of course I ran to give him another hug - plus three kisses (his insistence). He squeezed & said Love you! 

He's generally affectionate, but most often when I ask him to be. He was probably trying to make up for the choo choo incident earlier in the day. But really, I'm sure he did it because he knew I needed strength to make four dozen sugar cookies for a playgroup I'm hosting tomorrow morning, in part because of some fleeting mom guilt I was feeling a few weeks ago about spending so much time nursing West & not enough time doing social + structured activities with Q (why do I get myself into these things?!). 

Either way, these are the moments! The ones that make all of the pain & suffering, even the mundane moments of motherhood absolutely worth it. He is the sweetest boy. 

(West rolled over today! He took good naps for 3/4th of the day, went to sleep easily tonight, smiled at me a few times, & was generally a well behaved little boy. And! I brushed his hair after his bath & you could tell! His brown fuzz is so... fuzzy! I'll keep him, too.)

Random photo dump. 


Lindsey said...

I love your photos - and your boys really are so cute. West is looking so alert! Such a handsome baby boy.

Kera said...

1. Your blush looks so pretty.

2. How do you have time to blog!!! good job, mama!

3. West is really cute. Like, really really handsome little guy. Who does he look like? I saw a little of Christopher and Spencer in the 2nd to last picture.