Jan 31, 2013

A quick walk.

I don't need a calendar to know that West is four months old. My hair!! It has started falling out in clumps. Fistfulls in the shower, filling up my brush every day - I'll likely be bald in two weeks. Pregnancy was hard, labor & delivery was certainly not my favorite experience, & now the icing on the cake - my hair! It's all worth it of course, but holy smokes - if they did a better job explaining all of these things in high school sex ed, I think we'd have significantly fewer unplanned teen pregnancies. 

We went on a quick outing a few days ago around the park. It was balmy enough that the boys didn't even need shoes, although the strong breeze made West an unhappy boy (isn't there something about babies not being able to breath when air is blown directly into their face?? Whatever it is, he didn't like it). They both look a little depressed in these photos - or maybe just tired since West needed a nap & Q had just woken up from his - but I promise it was a happy little (short) outing. The fresh air did us all some good. 



Heidi said...

West is just so very round and squishy, I wish I could hold him. The same thing happens to my hair but at exactly three months after delivery. gross

erin said...

i think we've discussed this before, but there are many post-labor things that i wish i'd known about. when i started losing my hair it was when we lived in mexico and i was sure i had a worm.

Judy said...

I love the pics of Q's skinned knees and bare feet...with donkey! So 'little boy'...so precious! I'm excited for one of my 3 1/2 year old grandsons coming up tomorrow!