I got out of the shower this morning &; he looked at me, said Boobs! & then laughed hysterically.
(I deserved this, after nursing two babies. It's not pretty.)
A few minutes later, he proceeded to count to fifteen. Fifteen! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! (he still loves eight), nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen! I had no idea he knew how to do this.
We went to the park last Friday morning, just the two of us, while West snoozed (with Mike who was working from home). The sun was out & Q kept saying, Bright! Bright! Finally, he asked to get Up! & snatched my glasses off of his face & put them on his. I had to laugh.
This afternoon - he woke up in a horrendous mood from his too-short nap. There were tears, & pleadings for Night, night! (he didn't mean it - rather just stating that he was still tired) Milk! Donkey! Chocolate! Anything, really. West sat there just staring at him with a look like, I don't really see what the issue here is & I accepted that there was very little I could do to reason with an over-tired toddler (who has had a terrible habit of waking up at 5 or 6am for the past several weeks - we're all feeling it at this point). I did something I've never done in his entire 28 months of life - put in a movie, & plopped him down on the couch with Donkey & a nice sippy cup of chocolate milk. He watched Cars 2 with audible enthusiasm (Cars!! Fire!! Cars!!) & I'm feeling not one bit of guilt.
(I had no idea he could have the attention span to watch an entire movie.)
There are days where he drives me absolutely crazy, & his energy is oftentimes exhausting. But today - he grabbed my face & kissed me on the nose & then on the forehead, with an earnestness about him as if he were going off to war. It's all worth it for this sweet boy.
There are days where he drives me absolutely crazy, & his energy is oftentimes exhausting. But today - he grabbed my face & kissed me on the nose & then on the forehead, with an earnestness about him as if he were going off to war. It's all worth it for this sweet boy.
So handsome!
I would feel absolutely no guilt about the movie if I were you. I have taken to putting a movie on two days a week when I attempt to do a few exercises. Sure beats having Hyrum literally crawling on top of me while I'm doing push ups and sit ups. Right afterwards, we go to the playground for him to run around, so it all equalizes out in the end, I think.
i've been putting fox and indiana in the shower with me lately, out of laziness. it's probably going to cause fox to need counseling. we've had some interesting anatomy discussions (which are best relayed over private telephone conversations).
that cars moment is a victory for you. sometimes you just need uncle walt to watch the kids for a minute, or 90.
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