Jan 14, 2013

I survived the sabbath.

Sundays! Holy smokes, they kick my trash every time. Mondays are always such sweet relief. 

Mike had meetings before church, so I got the boys ready & got there just before the opening hymn was sung. West was sleepy (+ sad) a few minutes later, so out I went into the hall & put him in the Bjorn for a few laps around the building until he fell asleep (my babies do not sleep in arms, unless intervention of the Divine sort is involved - apparently church was not enough reason for such). Once he was asleep, I couldn't sit down of course (you do not mess with a sleeping baby), so I stood in the back & half-listened to the rest of the meeting while Mike wrangled our reverence-challenged Quinn. 

I spent the second hour being the best assistant ward librarian I could be with a baby lashed to my chest.

West woke up at the end of that hour, I chatted a bit too long, & he was hungry. I tried to slip into Relief Society to feed him in the back so that I could get some sort of spiritual nourishment, & completely failed. Screaming! People staring! Apparently he didn't like our situation. I ran out with my dress entirely unbuttoned up top (my nursing cover covering me), praying that I wouldn't flash anyone while I ran down the hall to the mother's lounge (ick) to nurse in what was hopefully a more acceptable location to West. It was.

Successful feeding + burping + changing (+ a little bit of chatting, oops) later, & there was 20 minutes left of our three hour church block. No point in staying really, so I hopped in my car & headed home. 


Three hours of church & I attended nothing. I'm not exactly feeling spiritually enriched, but so it goes for the next, oh, 15 months.


And now, a small rant: 

I think I've had enough of the Oh, just wait until... comments. Have I talked about this before? I find them so condescending, as if  I'll never actually reach the point of deserving real sympathy from people or that I'm not an actual legitimate mother until... I always felt like a Junior Mama with just one baby & thought I'd be treated as legitimate with my second, & have been so frustrated to find that it just never ends. Q being sassy? Just wait until he's older & then he'll really be hard! Getting on a flight? Oh, just wait until you're traveling with THREE! That's really hard! I'm sure 14 (or 3, or 6) kids is a tough situation, but that doesn't negate what I'm experiencing right now with two. And yes, of course they'll grow up & I'll be a little sad about that, & yes, I know it all goes by quickly & I need to cherish every single moment (although I disagree with this for a number of reasons - Don't Carpe Diem has always resonated with me)... Blah blah blah people! Also, please refrain from pointing out that my child needs a nap, or such phrases as someone isn't very happy!! altogether. As if I was completely oblivious & was desperately needing other people to point out that my child isn't thrilled with his current circumstances. My only saving grace is that when I'm just with West & people ask Is he your first? (just waiting to pounce on me with all of their very best advice) I can smile & say, No - my second. Obviously, having two children does not make me The Queen of All Mothering Knowledge, but I feel like I've earned a few Mama Merit Badges in the past few years, & I've generally been spared all sorts of unsolicited comments that came with my first, although I'm still getting more than enough.

(I'm done now.)  


I went to the park with Quinn on Saturday morning while West napped & Mike worked. It was warm & humid & gloomy, but he was so happy to be outside & just wanted to run, run, run. He runs like a big kid now! He was skipping, & wiggling & dancing everywhere we went. Happy.

(Donkey normally isn't allowed to leave our house, but Q insisted & I was tired.)


Jill said...

I love Quinn running in his skinnies. Darling video with so much to smile about.

Your rant is justified. I had more than occasion last week when I felt exasperated by my current state and/or reactions to me or my littles. Deep breaths. Hopefully I am learning empathy for other mothers as I go. I am also learning to speak up with my opinions. :)

Louise said...

Amen to the rant! I have been meaning to blog about that kind of mentality myself, because somewhere along the way, those who have more must have had 'only two' (it's the only that kills me). A long-winded way of saying, I sympathise!

erin said...

right now my favorite part of the week is 12:00:00 pm on sunday afternoon, the second church is over. it makes me feel badly to admit to that, but for now it is the truth. i have a feeling this comment just put me in line for some sort of trial.

the mother's room smells like dirty diapers.

erin said...

and the video. i am shocked whenever quinn opens his mouth and says words. dirty?! i love his little run. and your awesome hot pink pants, which look awesome on you. i'd gladly trade places with you right this second.

Judy said...

"wrangled our reverence-challenged Quinn"...this is priceless... I just started laughing when I read this! What a ingenious way to describe a little man who does not want to go to church...at all. Benjamin ... my 3 1/2 year old grandson...this could describe him at times!

I so enjoy your blog...I may have told you that a time or two!