Jan 28, 2013

They're two.

Mike had to go early to church for meetings on Sunday, so I got the boys ready & out the door. This always takes longer than I think it will, of course, which means that every-other-week we're a bazillion minutes late. I let West get almost a full nap before we walked out the door - which didn't help the situation of course - but really, who likes to wake a sleeping baby? Meanwhile, Q kept repeating Church!! Ella! Church! I mean, I was probably thisclose to staying home - because I was exhausted & tired & sleepy & whatever other word means spent - but this earnest little boy just wanted to see Ella in nursery. So, we woke up little brother & we went to church (for all. two. hours*). 

But really - they're two, & the sweetest, most genuine of friends. 

(Ella came over to play this week. A minute or so after getting here, she walked over to Quinn, gave him a hug, & kissed him on the cheek - & then we spent all morning outside. It was heaven.)

*2/3rd is a win in my book - & I formally submit that church should be two hours instead of three. 


Meg said...

West! So bright eyed!

That miss Ella has the best little smile. No wonder Q is smitten.

ellen said...

are they going steady?!?