Aug 25, 2013

Things that happened.

We went to the doctor this past week - a place where Quinn normally screams and cries and nothing worthwhile gets accomplished as a result - and he was calm. The NP we met with was amazing and calming and when we left, he said So fun going to the doctor! 

Excuse me?

We went to the splash park later that day, and he was running around without a diaper under his swimsuit, his bum hanging out (size 18-24 months?!). I was sweating, West was red-faced, I had half of my house with me and it was a total circus. But Quinn went potty (on a public toilet - ugh), and both boys took long naps afterwards, and it felt like maybe I had done one or two things right that day.

Quinn pulled out West's piggy bank this week and said, Mom! Where's my money? (I had no idea he knew what a piggy bank was.) West has suddenly gotten extremely territorial with both my iPhone and the monitor, and his vocal displeasure when either are taken away is one of the few times we see an unhappy West during the day.

Time! I almost have a one year old and a three year old, and it blows my mind to see how much they've changed, even in just the past few months. 

So, a little photo dump in my attempt to fill in some of the pieces. I think this takes me all the way to our month at Priest Lake. We're in North Carolina now, which means that I'll officially never catch up from my summer in photos. 

Things that happened before Priest Lake: 

West had a helmet and his head grew super fast || West graduated from his helmet just in time for summer to really hit (sweet relief) || The Burtons lived with us for a little bit and we had a tremendous amount of fun || Lots of time in various pools || West sprouted some teeth (around 9 months) || A visit from Mr and Mrs Whiting || 4th of July BBQ || Lots of time in the backyard with friends || Quinn finally started playing nicely with West (mostly)

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