Aug 5, 2006


The last time I saw Tara&Kevin's little girl Ellie, she was barely talking. She has now become a full blown pink obsessed, dolly carrying, bow-tied, crayon coloring girl.
My mom called me a couple of weeks ago from the lake and told me that Ellie refused to take off her patent leather shoes, even when playing on the beach. I cannot wait for her to become a teenager! Tara & Kevin's kids are growing up so fast. My dad taught Ellie to swim last week, and Spencer was hanging onto his back and swimming under water . Parker is golfing. Harrison's reputation is spreading. The last time I saw him he was the sweetest boy you could ever imagine. However, his new skill of walking and running is proving to be problematic. When I was on the phone with Tara the other day he climbed up onto the desk next to her and proceeded to jump off onto her lap! Her kids should all be acrobats.

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