Aug 6, 2006

He Speaks!

I figured it was high time that a man's voice sound on the blog (Mike's). And now it has. Hmmm, it turns out I don't really have anything to say, but I did find this picture rather interesting. Enjoy!

In addition to this fabulous picture, I've added some choice links over there on the right side. I initially listed one about mullets, but better judgment prevailed and I stuck with something a bit more tame. If I've caught your interest, just google "mullets" and see what comes up. I dare you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok - This is new to both of us, but I couldn't resist the urge to reply ....Good beginning - just keep it up! I'm a bit afraid to look up mullets, but I might try if I get really bored. By the way - I'm coming to visit in September! It's really true. I'm so excited!!!!!!
