Aug 5, 2006

Priest Lake

Joanna takes great pictures, which is lucky for me seeing as how I was only able to spend three days at the lake this summer. New York summers are tough, because you feel like you should be doing things outdoors. Walking along 5th avenue does not count as outdoors. I love this city & I am happy being here (most days), but it is still difficult to subside the ache for Priest Lake, fresh air, barbequed salmon and blueberry pancakes in the morning. I am always happy to get phone calls with the latest moose sighting (or even the most recent poop discovery)! It was not a surprise when I got the phone call a month ago telling me that my dad had spent the afternoon wakeboarding. He is not old, by any means, but I have always been proud of my dad & his youthful vigor! He always keeps up with his kids & grandchildren, no matter what they are doing. He built a beach with his bare hands, motorcycles every weekend in the mountains & he treks for hours in the woods looking for the equivalent of toe nail clippings from moose, elk & deer (shed hunting- an obsession within the male sect of my family). My dad has "vision", we say. He has done a spectacular job of creating a place where, no matter we live, we will always have a place to call home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow I cant believe dad got up... ; )