Sep 5, 2006

I went to Utah.

I went to Utah for Labor Day weekend.
Dave & I went to see Grandma Grow on Sunday

Elizabeth and I played in the Holdaway's backyard with Cameron, Hudson & their cousins all afternoon on Saturday

Hudson apparently loved the monkey that Mike & I gave him for his first birthday

After teasing Cameron that his "croc" sandals (that is the brand) were really crocodiles that were going to bite his toes off, Cameron looked at me matter of factly and said, "Kathryn, you really don't know very much, do you?" Nothing like a 3 year old telling you that you are stupid!

Highlights of the Utah trip:

  • Fresh air at Sundance.
  • Elizabeth's strawberry cereal.
  • Failing to stop Hudson from eating dirt.
  • Shopping with Elizabeth.
  • Cafe Rio (not quite as good as I remembered though).
  • Multiple trips to Target with Elizabeth for no apparent reason, but finding something each time I went.
  • Hudson's giggles.
  • Meeting Kelli & Brad with their precious Cole for breakfast at Einstein's (I was extremely dissapointed to see that the line at Magleby's was all the way out the door).
  • Driving a car for only the 2nd time in the last year.
  • I. Love. Nordstrom.
  • Seeing Grandma Grow & Grandma Whiting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great pictures, kathryn! breakfast was a nice break with a nice friend. I wish we had more time...but now you have a cool (and cold) place to visit.