Sep 24, 2006


We found another restaurant to add to our "favorites" list. Isabella's is all the way up on 77th, right next to the park, but it was worth the trek last night. After a day spent cleaning our apartment from top to bottom (Mike even beat the rugs over our balcony), we deserved a nice night out. Mike & I went with our friends Kellie & Jason Robbins. It was delicious! I had sesame-crusted tuna with a coconut curry sauce. Delicious. I kept thinking how much my dad would have loved it (hint for Dad: Come visit me!). Mike tried to order the spinach & prosciutto-stuffed gnocchi, forgetting that there is not a restaurant in NYC that is serving spinach right now. He settled for another odd sort of pasta that looked quite like little earthworms. Despite the similarity, it was actually very good as well. It was a beautiful night so we took advantage of their outside seating. I will definitely go back to this place again. Very nice.

Afterwards, we got together with a group of people from the ward and watched half a season of Arrested Development on DVD. Lots of fun, except that I am horribly allergic to Kyle & Corrine's virtually furless, "allergy friendly" cat. Ha. My allergies proved superior, and lesson learned- I will never go to their apartment again without being medicated. It was a late night out and as a result, it was a little tough getting up for church this morning. We sat in the foyer during sacrament meeting with a few of the couples that were there with us last night. :)

My mom is coming to visit on Wednesday. I can't wait. Thus far, I have the following things on my "to do" list with her:

  • Bodies Exhibit (she will go with Mike's mom- we have already been, in Philadelphia last fall)
  • Wicked (Mike and I saw it last year, but I will see it over and over again. I loved it.)
  • The new Tribute Center @ the World Trade Center site
  • Friday night dinner @ a great Thai restaurant
  • Saturday night dinner @ a nice Indian restaurant.
  • Lunch @ a good Lebanese place nearby (she said she wanted "different" food, so she is getting it)
  • Manicure/Pedicure
  • Farmers Market @ Union Square
  • Chelsea Market

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