Nov 9, 2006


Mike is out of town this week. I stopped at Duane Reade (a druge store) on my way home and browsed for about a half hour, stalling the inevitableness of coming home to an empty apartment. I considered buying a box of Raisin Bran, nail polish , ziplock bags and chapstick, but in the end reconsidered and walked out empty handed.

Being alone also means that my dinner consisted of the last piece of cheesecake in the fridge & a bagel. It was thouroughly depressing, void of any satisfaction whatsoever. Mike's absense also means that when I slipped and fell in the shower last night (no, I am not 85 years old), I stayed there motionless, going through each piece of my body to make sure it wasn't broken, terrified because I didn't have anyone to save me. Luckily, I survived with merely a sore arm and a large bruise. I miss him! I get terribly lonely when I am by myself in our apartment.

Sigh. I need a dog.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Kathryn - You last two blogs were amazing. I so appreciate your openness and well as your perception of who you really are. You are lucky to know yourself so well at such a young age!...and as a Mom it's quite the miracle to witness that knowledge blossom and bloom. I have always tried to teach to the importance of truth, in every part of our lives. It makes things so much more pure and games, no pretense, no unraveling of convoluted, made up stories. You're awesome!