Nov 8, 2006


truth (truth) n. pl. truths (trthz, trths)
Conformity to fact or actuality.
A statement proven to be or accepted as true.
Sincerity; integrity.
Fidelity to an original or standard.
Reality; actuality.
That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence.
Mike and I went to meet his sister Cara (getting home from an 18 month mission for our church) at JFK last night. Her flight came in at 12:30am which made for a late subway trip out to the airport on the "A" train. This advertisement & quote struck me, even through the cloud of exhaustion I was battling. I found it to be simple & profound; a fairly decent way to aim to experience life every day. I've thought about it quite a bit today.
My truth is my absolute love for my husband. My truth is the root of this love. My truth is the forever bond I share with my family. My truth is the knowledge I have of the worth and origin of my soul. My truth is the direction this knowledge gives me & the power it has to shape my existence. Because of this truth I want desperately to be a better friend, wife, sister, citizen, daughter. My truth is that I am terribly, horrifically imperfect, but I exist each day as a work in progress. My truth is that I am happily different [most of the time], even strange (peculiar?) in comparison to many of my friends & colleagues. My truth is my uniqueness. My truth sometimes causes strain as I feel both a separateness and a connectedness from the people I am surrounded by every day. It is inevitable, however, that my truth unites me with everyone; the man that has built a home behind the back of our building (I pass him sleeping in a pile of blankets & garbage each morning on my way to work and feel helpless, even pathetic with my lack of action); the woman I am impatient with on the subway because she is crowding me; the man who sells newspapers and gum on our corner who has said hello to me every morning for the past 18 months [and with a genuine smile]; my friends at work; the security guard who scans my bag each morning as I enter my building; the President of the United States; our doorman who never smiles or says hello. We all exist in the same sphere of truth. I need to remember this.
A colleague at work told me she loved what a "true person" I am. I have been questioning this statement ever since. I think is my goal, to always choose truth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like this one. :) (I ditto mom Hudson)