Nov 28, 2006

Parker, Monotony. Completely Unrelated.

I don't have any kids to show off, and we somehow managed to fail to take a single picture over Thanksgiving. This would make for a fairly boring post, but Parker's school picture is a good replacement! He is 7 and goes to Elementary School in West Linn, OR. I took him to The Candy Basket last week in Portland for a treat and he spent about 25 minutes deciding what to get. He opted for 2 raspberry Ring Pops. I thought it was a good choice. When he got to ride in the car with us, he kept saying, "Oh boy, I get to ride with my aunt and my uncle! This is so cool!"

Other than my cute nephew, I have nothing exciting to post. My monotonous week thus far has gone as follows: (1) Press snooze several times. Wake up, shower, eat breakfast. (2) Walk 2 1/2 minutes to work. (3) Work from approximately 8:30-6:30, getting up from my desk 2 or 3 times. (4) Come home and make dinner, check email, go through mail. (5) Clean up from dinner, contemplate going to the gym and decide to go to bed instead. (6) Sleep. (7) Wake up and repeat. This monotony over the last 48 hours is making me a little cranky.

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