Nov 27, 2006


My sister Elizabeth sent me this picture of Hudson. Apparently, he was so tired of playing that he didn't even cry- he just fell sound asleep in the middle of the floor. I kind of felt like that this morning.

I wish my life were vacation. I slept in every day last week to the equivalent of noon EST. I wore slippers most of my waking hours. My mom made me my favorite breakfasts- her buttermilk pancakes & crepes. I watched two entire seasons of Grey's Anatomy- and proceeded to get my mom & my dad absolutely addicted (as a matter of fact, I started having dreams about Meredith & Derek. I think I have a problem!). I sang songs, played in the tree house and baked with my princess-loving niece and all-boy nephews. It was such a great week.

Mike and I had an absolutely uneventful trip back to New York, albeit a depressing one. It's always hard flying home, realizing how far away I live from home. This being said, it was an easy flight from Portland to Salt Lake, with a quick switch to our plane to JFK. We got in around midnight, easily found a cab, and made it home by 1am. Apparently our bodies made the full trasition to PST... we didn't go to bed until after 2, and didn't wake up until around noon. I suppose that we made the most out of our "day of rest" (haha... I am funny). It was actually a beautiful day in New York, so we took full advantage by taking a long walk, all the way up the promenade along the Hudson River, through Tribeca, and back home. We discovered some fun hole-in-the-wall places to try out soon, making it a very productive walk in addition to fresh air and the burning of Thanksgiving calories.

I have to say that my 6:30am alarm clock this morning was brutal, especially as Mike switched our wakeup CD from Chopin to Something Corporate. It was LOUD. It's going to be tough to get back into a routine this week, but I'd better snap out of vacation mode quickly- work is going to be busy this week & I've got to catch up from a very relaxing (unproductive) vacation.

On my list for this week: Figuring out what to get for the 20+ people on our Christmas list- not to mention my very own husband, who is perhaps the most picky person I have ever met! I suppose that this should be a confidence booster considering he did in fact agree to mary me, but I have never seen someone analyze a tie so carefully. It's endearing, but makes it rather difficult to buy him gifts.

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