Dec 4, 2006


My green friend died today. It was no surprise, as this particular plant happened to be living on my desk at work for the past 6 months. A few weeks ago it started to droop and wilt, but with frequent watering it would perk up and turn bright green once again. After returning from Thanksgiving break (I had asked my assistant at work to water it, which she did), I noticed that it was beginning to look depressed. Today, a week later, I finally threw it away in my garbage can, its dropping leaves hanging lifelessly over the sides of the pot.

My question is this- If my poor plant could not survive the fluorescent light & lack of fresh air in my office, what is the effect on my own health?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes - I think you are right - there is something to be suspect of in that stale office air. That is why you take nice long walks with your husband and breath deeply of the fresh air outside. Gotta love it!