Dec 3, 2006


When I was on a walk yesterday, I kept noticing how many different things I smell each day in the city. Among the variety of smells to which my nose gets exposure (sometimes with little to no choice):
  1. The huge black dog in our building. He is definitely at least 150 pounds. He is always drooling. He is smelly in a very bad way.
  2. Garbage. This is especially bad when it is hot/humid
  3. Urine/sewage/dog poop. See #2.
  4. Pretzels
  5. Dirty water dogs (hot dogs. SO gross.)
  6. Fresh flowers
  7. Oil on new pavement
  8. Truck exhaust
  9. Halal food
  10. Rain (and I wonder, "Is this toxic rain?")
  11. Roasted peanuts/almonds (Mike's favorite $1 treat)
  12. Overly cologned men passing by on the street
  13. Freshly baked bread (there is a bakery somewhere behind our building- we can smell it, but we can't find it!)
  14. Pancakes
  15. Fish

The smelliness of the city is a perfect example of the balance between great and gross in the city. I love it. :)

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