Dec 8, 2006

The Prodigal Shirt & Variations on a Shade of Blue

Mike and I went Christmas shopping tonight for each other. I think we've decided that this is a far more productive & reliable way to shop. What better person to say what we would like & wouldn't than ourselves? We started off our "date" by eating our favorite macaroni and cheese for dinner while sitting on the couch and watching Seinfeld. We then made the trek uptown to one of Mike's favorite stores in the city, where I was supposed to pick out a tie for him (from my mother) & a shirt (from me). History has taught me that my dear husband is more picky than I initially thought. For example- For his birthday last year, the shirt & tie combo I gave him (this is his favorite gift- holidays/birthdays/anniversaries are no brainers) was exchanged less than a week later- and they were beautiful. He looked so sharp, but didn't think he could pull of a shirt that wasn't white or blue (this shirt was mauve- not pink, not purple... somewhere in between. It was nice.).
Anyway- I'm not feeling especially eloquent tonight thanks to Friday night fatigue, so I will keep this brief. 6 months after the returned shirt & tie incident, I decided that he would have to come with me to pick out his gifts, as no fun as that is. We made a rule that Mike could not buy a blue tie, as he has about 15 ties in various shades of blue. Lo & behold, guess what we walked out of the store with? The EXACT same shirt I gave him last year (apparently he saw a guy wearing something similar to it a while ago, and thought, "Wow, my wife really does have good taste!" Duh.) and a navy blue tie with small white flowers. Apparently this falls outside of the "blue" category. I'll give him credit for the shirt, and while the tie is a bit of a stretch as far as keeping the rules go, it is very nice. He claims that he will really wear the shirt. We shall see.
It was cold in the city today, but we had a fun time being out together tonight. We walked around Rockefeller Center, pretending we were race car drivers as we navigated through the crowds of tourists taking pictures of every object, tree, and famous store in sight. I was only yelled at once (apparently I am a bit of an aggressive walker). All of the lights were beautiful, and there was music everywhere- some blaring from store windows, others played by a single musician on the street corner. I loved it.
I am looking forward to a nice weekend after a somewhat stressful week at work. I have a baby shower in the morning, then Mike and I are going to run errands and get together with our friends Mistie & Troy (and 2 year old Ashton) tomorrow evening to go ice skating & then go out to dinner. I am really looking forward to sleeping in past 7am tomorrow morning... and vacuuming! My apartment is messy.

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