Dec 11, 2006


I (Mike) find myself in front of the computer on a lazy Monday night pondering the above. At what point does something in life reach that ever-elusive critical mass of being "blogworthy?" What in life prompts one to sit and commit it to writing? Well, it's time for a "stop and smell the roses" moment:

1. I have a beautiful, thoughtful, supportive, and loving wife. She is adorable, especially when she says "pj's" (don't ask).

2. I have a great job. Better than I deserve. I'm responsible, above all else, for building relationships of trust. Everything else (business wins) is a natural byproduct of that primary driver. How fun is that?

3. I'm (we're) lucky. Kathryn lost her wallet. I backtracked to the Darien train station after 40 minutes had passed. And there it was, in plain view, right in the middle of the parking lot. Doesn't get any luckier than that.

4. I have a fantastic pseudo-church calling (the technical term is "volunteer," actually). Just finished up another semester of Institute. I had the privilege of sharing the Book of Mormon-quoted Isaiah chapters with the LDS students of NYU. It's amazing to see how pertinent these citations are to the overall message of Christ's mission contained within this book. The one lasting message to take away from this semester? What I get in this life and the next is vastly different than what I deserve. What I "deserve" has been graciously expiated without my even asking.

More to follow...

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