I think Wire.Whisk is dying... well, dead I think. I thought my food blog was a good idea. I guess I can't compete with Real Simple and foodnetwork.com. (I did however, get a few favorite new recipes out of the few shorts months of its life, anyway). My choice for book club had a similar result as well. I loved The Other Boleyn girl, but book club did not. Nothing seems to be catching on... Am I full of bad ideas? I wish I had the creativity, energy and time to do something that really got people involved and excited. I suppose I just need to find what that is (and have a job with less hours spent in a cubicle). I'm not pouting... just complaining. I think I'm tired & grumpy tonight. I need to go to bed.
Hi. I liked the book...I'm just still on page 300. I think the timing was bad over the holidays. You were the unlucky "leader" during Christmas. I'm sorry you didn't get much participation.
Don't give up on the food blog. Even if it's a release for you, it's healthy.
There are very few people who are consistent bloggers. That is the problem with this blogging culture. I'm a frequent checker of yours. You can count me in as a fan.
Missy again (from the book club) and I'm sorry that I'm behind on your book. I guess I'm going to be the late book clubber. I'm waiting for the book to arrive and I'll read it. My mother-in-law said it was good. I'll post. Though it will be late.
And, your post about If I Had A List was exactly what I needed to hear. I'm always searching out things that people have "tried and trued" because whenever I buy something in the beauty department, it fails me and I don't end up going back. Can you post more of those?
I'm sorry I've taken over your comment space. I like your blog.
Okay, okay. So I was whining. I'm sorry. It's okay if my book isn't the #1 hit of the book club. I was just in a funk yesterday. Not enough sunlight is bad for me, I've decided. (This means 14+ hour days are not good for me either). Ask Mike- I get cranky, and I whine. I feel like I'm 2.
I'm glad you both read my blog. Sometimes I wonder WHY I post. Mainly, like Kelli said, it is a healthy release. When I first moved to NYC, I spent a lot of time just walking the streets. There were always so many things to talk about, so I started writing them all down in my journal. Obviously, I was a bit behind (journals are now the archaic version of blogs I suppose). I'm glad that Kelli got me into the blogging world. In the end, I guess it doesn't really matter who reads or who doesn't... although it is nice to be able to include friends in discussions of various topics.
I think that in part I like to blog because it gives me a small sense of community. For whatever reason, we have never felt like we have that in New York, even within our ward. NY is a BIG place... making real connections is hard here.
Missy- I'll do another one sometime. I definitely have a list of "favorites" and it is nice to bounce ideas off of friends (e.g Kelli's favorite mint lip balm from Bath & Body Works... it's MY favorite too, thanks to her recommendation)!
Blogs are a good place to whine. Everyone needs to do it at some point. And that's the great thing. We realize that we aren't the only one's out there that need that every so often.
Good source of connections whether in NY or not. I agree.
I think your ideas are great! I have gotten some new favorite recipes as well from wire whisk. I wish we could get people more commited to it.
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