Friday night/early Saturday morning was spent at IBOP Karaoke. Our friend Corinne threw a birthday party for her husband Kyle (also our friend too, of course). She rented out a room at this karaoke house (I don't know what else to call it) and invited about 15 people to come scream their heads off. I was too shy to get off the couch and grab the mic, but scream I did (especially to Weezer, The Sign and Livin' on a Prayer). Mike got the crowed shaking with Mr. Wendle. I was impressed by my typically reserved husband's ability let lose. We had fun, but I was hoarse by the time we left.
IBOP is located on the third floor of a fairly shady building.

Here's Mike in the stairwell (which was crooked) leading to IBOP on the third floor.
The Empire State Building, as we were walking to the subway around 1am. It was a late night for us. I don't know how I made it through college. If I had my way, I'd go to bed every night at 9:00. If I got home by then, anyway.
I slept in later on Saturday than I have in months. 11:00 am! I had to meet my friend Allison for brunch at noon, so I rushed out of the apartment and headed for Chelsea. My favorite sighting of the morning (typical of Chelsea): A tall thin man wearing pink patent-leather knee high boots (with heels), with a pink leash with a small white dog with a poodle wearing a pink tutu. To top it off, the man was wearing large Jackie-O esque sunglasses. Fabulous.
We went to a place I cannot pronounce (something about fresh daily bread, in French) by default, as Cafeteria was too crowded. The cafe was really cute- everything was organic and vegetarian. It was delicious, although my granola looked more like birdseed. We spent the next couple of hours running errands (i.e. shopping). Girl time is always fun. To balance things out, Mike and I went on our faux-Valentine's Day date Saturday night. We went to Jane again. Delicious, as always.
Yesterday was spent going to church (we managed to get there only 50 minutes late, thanks to yet another late night) and watching Lost. It was nice to sit around all afternoon and not do much of anything. We finally made it through Season 2 and are now just about caught up with Season 3. Thank you ABC for posting this season's episodes online. We're addicted, and I'm not sure we could have waited until the end of season 3 for the dvd to come out. I did manage to cook dinner, something I haven't done in a long time. I threw it together, but it turned out really well- Chicken breasts marinated in Italian dressing (I like light Newman's Own) for about an hour, wrapped in foil with chopped tomatoes, fresh parsley and Parmesan cheese. We had REAL vegetables (fresh food seems to go bad very quickly these days) so I steamed some strings beans and carrots as well. Fresh rolls (parbaked, thank you FreshDirect), and we were set! It was nice to cook again, as simple as it was. I can't wait until work slows down and I can feel human again...
karaoke sounds like so much fun. so, did you get up an sing? (or was the weezer song one for the crowd?)
Mmmmm. I'm telling should start a restaraunt blog. It seems like you've done the city tour.
Fun, fun. I'm glad that you're finding time for fun again.
I'm a loser. I didn't actually GET UP and sing, but sing I did. From the couch. :) I figured that I'm not good enough, bad enough, or a cool enough dancer to do karaoke. I'm just kind of a dork. Sigh. Mike was FUNNNY though. Everyone sang the Weezer song. I thought of you and Brad. :)
I wish I were a strong enough writer to start a food blog. That would probably be fun, but really... we don't eat out THAT often, and I'm not sure how well a Chipotle burrito review would be received. I just don't have anything to blog about during the week (always at work), and weekends... well, we tend to eat out once or twice.
Last night was the MOST fun I've had. I got home from work around 9:45pm, went to bed around 11, and slept in until 8:30! It was LOVELY. I can't wait until the first weekend in March when I can sleep in again. :) Does Cole EVER let you sleep in? How do Mom's take naps?
Oh, I'm lucky. Cole sleep in until 8 in the morning...most mornings. (I deserve it after months of no night sleep or naps whatsoever..) Life is good come oh, 7/8 months when they sleep through the night. 7pm bedtime is how we cope. (with sleep)
Can you please write me a book about being a mother before I take the plunge? I swear... it's all anxiety and worry for me. I'm afraid I will not know what to do, what to buy, what to expect. I have fears of no sleep, depression and a dying baby. I think I need some help?
That's what makes baby #1 so much fun...EVERYTHING is a SURPRISE. How can you know what to expect? Even after reading all of the books I'm sure your mother and mother-in-law will send you. You can join our mom blog any time. It definitley helps!! You'll do great though. No doubt. (Especially since you're learning about sleep deprivation now. And who knows...maybe you'll get one of those babies who SLEEP.)
What a fun post with a recipe that I will have to try this week at the end of it. Thanks Kathryn.
You are a great writer. You're the type of person that I feel the need to just check in with, see what you're up to, live a little NYC life for a moment via your writing. Please do join our blog whenever you'd like. It'd be a different point of view (one we could always use and appreciate).
The recipe is very simple. It's not my favorite nor gourmet, but it's fresh, easy and simple.
I LOVE Tangled & True. I'd fit in perfectly, if only I had live children instead of plants. Promise me that you will keep it going for a few years so that I can join in!
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