Feb 21, 2007

Nietzche knows...

Friedrich Nietzsche never married, but I'm certain he would have been successful had he given it a shot. He said, “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”

I don't really have anything terribly profound to say except that Nietzche hit the nail on the head. I was lucky enough to marry my best friend. We really like each other. We have a lot of fun. We're okay sitting around all day long in our pj's, just hanging out & not doing much of anything. We like taking walks. We like spending time with our friends... together. We just simply like being in the same vicinity. This being said, he's not perfect nor am I. Sometimes we don't treat each other like best friends, and when we don't, things just aren't fun. We can't stay in a fight for terribly long. Inevitably, one of us will approach the other and simply say, "Can we be friends again?" (To be honest, this typically comes from Mike. I have quite the streak of stubborness). This statement signals reconciliation with a huge hug to follow. The world is a terribly lonely place without Mike as my friend. I can't stand it when we are not BFF. I think that if we keep up the whole friendship thing, we're going to be a-ok. It's a fairly elementary principle, but it is going to work.

All of this being said- We are opposites. :) Mike LOVES playing video games. I would rather read a great book. I love sushi and all things that swim. Mike refuses to eat seafood, except an occasional spicy tuna roll. Mike listens to loud, hard music. I'm happiest listening to sleepy, mellow music. He eats hamburgers at nice restaurants. I'm a bit more adventurous with food. I love Broadway. Mike doesn't. I like going to the gym in the morning, and Mike can't wake up. I have 40-some pairs of shoes. I think Mike has four. I am stubborn. Mike has a soft, patient heart with no room for such foolishness.

We are different (sometimes drastically) but we are happy. We are flawed, imperfect, sometimes cranky but always best friends.


Unknown said...

very sweet, Kathryn. maybe marriage isn't such a mystery. sometimes it feels like it...until we remember that we just need to love eachother.

Mike said...

This quote struck me as out of character for Nietzsche. If I remember my political science classes, Nietzsche was a fan of challenging all things Christian and moral.

Ben said...

The only question is: Does Mike still plaster his whole monitor with post its covered in enough inspiration wisdom to make Gandhi levitate?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Mike said...

The New York lifestyle eliminates the possibility of even owning a monitor! Laptop on the couch is the best we can muster.