Mar 10, 2007

10 Things...You may not know about Mike

  1. My first words as a child were in Arabic. Marhaba!
  2. My favorite meal in the world comes from a halal lunch truck here on Wall Street - lamb and rice baby!
  3. I've been on the jumbotron at Madison Square Garden during a Knicks playoff game. The Knicks eventually won on Larry Johnson's famous four point play. I'm sure I played a significant role in that.
  4. I often whistle the Halo theme at work and middle-aged men around me eventually pick up the tune and repeat it, totally unaware that it's from a video game.
  5. I completely dominate two dishes - quesadillas and spaghetti.
  6. I once broke my friend's windshield with a water balloon while traveling 50 mph.
  7. I've flown (illegally?) in the cockpit of an Airbus 380.
  8. I won a fifty dollar savings bond in 3rd grade for a paper I wrote on Martin Luther King. It matured when I was in college. I think I spent half of it on Brand X hamburgers. Noble, eh?
  9. My first and second CD's were Michael Jackson Dangerous and Arrested Development (5th grade). I still have the words of "Black or White" and "Mr. Wendall" memorized.
  10. I once flirted with a cute girl while on a pity date with another. Any guess who the cute girl was?

1 comment:

Phil and Jan Hudson said...

Thanks for the insight! As always, I am your fan -We're so lucky to have you as part of our family.....