Mar 10, 2007

10 Things... You may not know about me.

  1. I hate wearing socks to bed. I don't like having my toes constricted.
  2. I've played the piano since I was about 6. My amazing teacher (for 12+ years) played Mahana in Johnny Lingo when she was young.
  3. I went to three schools my freshman year of college. I finally landed at and graduated from BYU.
  4. I am just a teeny, tiny bit OCD. When Mike puts the rubber spatulas in with the metal serving utensils, this bothers my way more than it should.
  5. As an extension of #4: I do not like messes. Period.
  6. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters, 4 nieces and 5 nephews (plus 2 nieces on the way). I think I'm counting right.
  7. As much as I love the trends of dark nail polish, I can't paint my finger nails anything but clear (this goes along with #4. I can't handle anything but perfectly painted nails. Clear polish is a bit more foolproof, and the chips aren't as noticeable).
  8. I played varsity tennis in high school.
  9. I was afraid of going across the monkey bars when I was little.
  10. I've never been stung by a bee.


Heidi said...

We have a few things in common- no socks to bed, playing varsity tennis in high school, and no dark nail polish on my hands. Funny!

What schools did you go to before BYU?

k. said...

I wish I had a friend to play tennis with in NYC. Mike doesn't play, but I suppose the wait lists at all of the parks would make it difficult, anyway... I miss playing at Kiwanis Park in Provo.

I went and got a pedicure this morning. Toes are a different story, right? Errors are less noticable, and they never seem to chip as easily. I have issues...

I grew up in Spokane, WA. I was "rebellious" and decided I did not want to go to BYU despite the pressure of EVERYONE telling me that I should. I went to Western Wasington University (small liberal arts state university) for an entire quarter. :) After deciding that I should be at BYU, I had to re-apply(I had been accepted for fall), but they wouldn't let me come back until spring, so I went to UVSC for a semester. It was quite the year. :)

Heidi said...

Toes are definitely different than fingers when it comes to nail polish. I love playing with colors on my feet.