Mar 17, 2007


Bliss: noun
1. Supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment
2. Heaven; paradise

I've been a little spoiled this week. I admit it. It was purely coincidence, mixed with a little bit of luck. Mike gave me a gift certificate to Bliss Spa for Valentine's Day, but I had to book my appointment a month out thanks to their busy schedule (and my own). My friend Alyson and I met up for lunch today (Max Brenner, again- it's my latest favorite) then walked down to Soho for our appointments. It may have been the best hour and a half of my life.

By far our 'hottest' facial, The Herbie combines every step of our fabulous basic facial and fruit acid wash, with a simultaneous full-body rub-on and wrap-up in lavender, bergamot, lemon, thyme, peppermint, and eucalyptus bliss-blend in slimming essential oils. Complete complexion perfection. A head-to-toe 'whoa'.

Translation: First, they gave me a rub down with yummy oils, then wrapped me up in a tin foil/saran wrap kind of material. Next, they covered me in heated blankets. I "marinated" (I felt a little bit like a chicken breast) for the next hour or so, when they worked on my face (a full facial). It was so nice. (Thank you, Mike! I Love you!) I've never gotten into the whole monthly facial thing. As a matter of fact, this is only the second facial I've ever gotten, and the first one I had (in Paris, last spring) wasn't so great. This being said... If I could find a place a bit more affordable, without sacrificing quality, I'd love to make it a habit. It was nice. Alyson and I spent the next few hours slushing our way through Soho. Probably not the best day to go shopping (we both soaked through our boots), but we had a good time & I always love to get together with her.


Anonymous said...

Oh, how I could use beauty treatment... any type would do! i worked like a slave is the yard yesterday, thaching, raking and doing general cleanup. I need someone to come to my house and pamper me. NOW! I am beat up this morning, but the yard looks ever so beautiful. In a few days the grass will be green! I had my first massage when I was in my 50's - Can you believe it? I actually wouldn't mind having one twice a I mean every day. What total joy! Mom

Missy said...

Ok, that sounds like pure bliss. Fitting salon-name.

Do they wrap your entire body?

k. said...

Yup. From toe to shoulder. I felt either like a 1) hot dog 2) mummy. My friend (who was with me- same treatment, different room) didn't like it- she felt clauterphobic. I loved it. The blankets are heated and the "saran wrap" obviously isn't breathable, so you end up sweating a lot, but apparently it is ridding your body of toxins, etc.

Unknown said...

Kathryn, I've done the same treatment. (or similar) I LOVED it!!