Mar 28, 2007

Cupcakes... almost.

Mike and I are having dinner with a family from our ward tonight. They have older kids, so I thought I'd be ambitious and make some cute cupcakes (I tracked down the Magnolia recipe). I left work early yesterday (well, soon after 5:00) and went to the grocery store to pick up a few missing ingredients. I got home, and after talking to my sister about her daily run, felt motivated myself. Tara has done an amazing job with her training in preparation for our San Francisco run this fall. Me... I've been a bit sporadic. Tara ran 3.25 miles yesterday. I got to that point and, well, stopped. I simply couldn't run anymore. Everything hurt for some reason. Oh well. At least I got something in.

By the time I finished my run it was past 7:00. I had to change the laundry, and there was a lot of it. I got back to my apartment and things were a little messy, so I had to clean up. Mike got home around 7:30, and I had yet to make (or think of) anything for dinner. I started to feel sick, probably because I hadn't eaten much of anything since noon, and ran on an essentially empty stomach. I had to go to bed for a while. Back to the living room around 8:00, and I was hungry. I settled with Annie's Macaroni and Cheese. Well, Mike made it. We watched American Idol, I took care of some things for work, and off to bed. I was exhausted. Red eye flights typically ruin me for the week.

End of story - No cupcakes. I had the best intentions. I was going to be so domestic. Luckily, I bought a brownie mix that I can make quickly when I get home from work tonight, before we head over. Deep down, I guess I knew I didn't have it in me last night.


Missy said...

Where did you find the Magnolia recipe? I want it too! For the ladybug party. Please share.

Unknown said...

Mmmm. Cupcakes sound good. Yes, share the Magnolia recipe. Missy, have you checked out that cupcake blog for the ladybug party?

k. said...

I put the cupcake recipe (and buttercream frosting) up on Wire Whisk. Let me know how they turn out!

I'll post the banana pudding recipe, too. That's the BEST. So delicious.