Mar 8, 2007

Suburbs and the Cactus Killer

I sent Mike a single-line email today with this picture attached. It said, "I want this!". This is my yellow house. Well, my I-wish-this-was-MY-yellow-house. It isn't much, but it is beautiful to me. The lot is large, the house is beautifully restored (built in 1870) and the space huge in comparison to our tiny apartment. There is even a loft above the second floor that could be used as as study or an extra bedroom, and the basement could easily be finished for more space. I wish I had pictures of the interior, but I don't. It's so pretty. I want it!! Does anyone have $150,000 cash that I can borrow for a down payment?

On a completely unrelated topic, I have some negative feelings towards a colleague at work that probably need to be let go. Perhaps talking about this in a public venue will help me work through them... Anyway, this guy at work killed my cactus. It was sitting on my desk, where it received a dozen compliments a day. People loved it. It was a very bright & friendly looking cactus. It was only about a year old, and was very healthy and happy. It was even doing okay in my terrible office environment where fresh air and actual sunlight are almost nonexistent. One afternoon, this individual (who shall remain anonymous) walked by my desk and for some unknown reason, made a wide sweeping motion with his arm. The cactus went flying across my desk, dirt falling over my phone, files and chair. It was a disaster. He mumbled a few incoherent things and walked away, leaving me to clean it up. No apology, no remorse. I cleaned up as much dirt as I could, and gently put the cactus back in the pot. Just a few days later, it was dead. Brown and lifeless. The cactus killer never did apologize, and I haven't been able to forgive him for this. He has tried to chit chat with me a few times, and I just won't have it.


Unknown said...

The house is very cute. What kind of down payment are you trying to save for? (I'm guessing higher than 5%...)

Wierd about the cactus guy. Maybe you should confront him. (Didn't you learn that at Heritage?) Sorry about the plant. Bring a new one back from Arizona.

Have a great trip! I'm excited for the update.

k. said...

20% would be ideal, in the spirit of keeping our monthly payment managable... We've got a ways to go. Some people suggest we do 80/10/10, but I'm not sure I love that idea... it's all so complicated. Most places in the city require 20-30% which is virtually impossible. Sigh.

I have just been avoiding this guy. Luckily, I don't work with him directly, but his cubicle IS near mine, so there are some awkward passings in the hall, etc. Not the end of the world, just something frustrating. Had I killed someones plant, I would have 1) apoligized and 2) brought in a new one. This guy also has a tongue ring though, so I'm not sure I should expect much...

Missy said...

The house is cute! I love it and can only imagine what it is like inside with new stainless appliances and refurbished floors. I'd love to take a walk-through. Crossing the fingers that they lower it $100,000 come April:)

I'm really sorry about your cactus! What in the random guy? Who takes intentional swaps at a cactus, let alone one that belongs to someone else? Kelli's right, maybe you can find one on your trip and bring it home. AZ is usually good for some cacti. Wait, can you post some pics of your new dresses? I'm dying just reading about them...

k. said...

I do not like this guy. He also has a very loud and obnoxious laught which irritates me. Sigh. Luckily- Mike was sweet enough to buy me a replacement a couple of weeks ago. This time though- it is staying safely in my window.

Phil and Jan Hudson said...

I can see why you feel in love with this little yellow gem. Ou first house was yellow - I loved it...It made me so happy.
I also feel your pain....your space was violated -and your cactus destroyed by an insensitive man with no soul. Hopefully in Arizona you'll find a happy replacement. Maybe your workplace has a toxic element to it.....Avoid toxicity at all costs.