Mar 4, 2007

Tara & Kevin

Dear Tara,
I really miss you. I heard you found a nother boyfriend. Pleas pleas dont forget about KEVIN O.K. I herd about you taking all of your pictures with Kevin down. O.K. I am happy, except I miss you. I can't wait intel you come and visit! Pleas put back the pictures of you and KEVIN O.K. I can't wait intell the cercus with KEVIN!
Love a lot,

My mom found this the other day and scanned it for me. It's a letter I wrote to my sister Tara while she was off at college. I was almost eight years old (she's 10 years older than I am). Kevin was her high school boyfriend. I called him "cutie Kevin" and was not at all happy when I heard that they were taking a break (they were at different universities) and that she was dating other guys... at least I think this is how the story goes. Anyway- This letter was clearly persuasive, as Tara and Kevin have now been married for over 10 years and have 4 kids. Good thing I got involved, huh? Too bad I couldn't spell yet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kathryn, I can't read the doesn't enlarge enough. I wish I could. Sounds funny.