Mar 14, 2007

Proof that we're really here.

These pictures took a long time to upload, thanks to a slow connection. That being said, commentary will be kept to a minimum. We're having fun, we love it here, but need to go home tomorrow. Sigh. We've had a great trip, but it will be nice to be back in the city... and Shake Shack opens in a few days. :) In no particular order... some pictures from the last few days.

Pool #1, by the main lodge. There is a large waterfall to the right, cascading down one of the several "mountains" of boulders.

Pool #2, at the spa. My favorite (extra cushy cushions on the lounge chairs, not to mention the view).

My view, for most of our trip. :)

There are birds everywhere (and they start chirping quite early in the morning).


Every sunset has been spectacular.

Cacti here are like palm tress in California. I think they are actually quite beautiful. Some of them are huge.

We watched a "rodeo" (only about a half hour) last night at a nearby ranch, with an outdoor "cookout" afterwards. Lots of fun, and yummy food.
Los Cedros. The sunset was beautiful.
Dinner Monday night @ Los Cedros - modeled after a Moroccan Citadel.

One of the many beautiful horses at Los Cedros Horse Ranch
Reception Tuesday night (pre-Cowboy cookout)

Dinner Sunday night (this is my Anthropologie dress).

Dinner @ Los Cedros.

My new friend that I met during lunch on Monday. His girlfriend was with him as well. They followed each other around the entire time. Sweet.

Mike taking advantage of his bathrobe in our room.


Missy said...

What a great picture update and I loved your post below it too! Great details and then I got the pictures to go along with it. Looks like you guys are having an amazing time. And I LOVE the Anthropologies dress with the shrug and the earrings. Everything. How did the Ann Taylor dress work out?

Unknown said...

Great photo post, Kathryn! Everything looks beautiful and exciting and relaxing. Keep telling us more!

Heidi said...

How pretty! I love the dessert

Anonymous said...

Wow - What a beautiful and deserved break for my very hard working kids. I love the desert for short visits. The SPA I would have died for! Having a gourmet cook to prepare my meals...a dream come true! I would rate this an A+, and I wasn't even there!
Going home must have been hard, but that's an ok thing, in a way. Now you can absolutely appreciate the benefits, and necessity, of frequent breaks to refresh and renew. Hopefully you'll be able to do things like this often through the years.