Mar 15, 2007

Stuck at the airport... Here's a few more.

The final dinner/reception was last night, at the golf club. It was nice, although my high heels worked as golf tees during the cocktail hour.

Outdoor reception. My drink of choice: diet coke with cranberry juice (1/3 juice, 2/3 coke). A bartender gave me the suggestion at a work event last year. It's my staple at these kinds of things.

The centerpieces were beautiful.

Live music, four course meal. It was a lot of fun.



And just for fun - One of the many rabbits running around the resort.


Missy said...

I'm loving your vacation pics. Thanks for sharing. Your dresses look absolutely perfect. Wait, what swimsuit did you end up buying/wearing?

k. said...

Thanks Missy! Now I just need to lose 10 pounds (an issue in and of itself!). :)

I brought three swimsuits- tankini, bikini and 1 piece. I bought them all last summer when Mike and I went on a trip to Puerto Rico. Despite the less-than-perfect body, I stuck with the first two for the most part (espeically the tankini after my tummy, which hasn't seen sun in a year, got a little burned on day #2). The one piece is a 50's looking number that I bought last summer. Really trendy and Mike hates it.

Unknown said...

wait a second, you added a picture. tricky, tricky.

Unknown said...

you hair looks really dark! and long! :)

Melissa said...

You guys looks so cute! I'm glad you are having a fun trip! I bet you are loving the warm weather!! Lucky!

Missy said...

Ten pounds? You're tiny. I don't believe you.

Missy said...

Ten pounds? You're tiny. I don't believe you.

PS: I bought a jade plants yesterday and LOVE it. Thanks so much for the tip.

k. said...

I died my hair a few months ago... but it's back to it's natural color. Thanks to the general lack of sun, it's getting pretty dark. You are very observant, Kelli. We had to board yesterday when I was at the airport, so I didn't get to add it.

Missy- My weight is a constant battle. I swing 10 pounds in either direction, and now I seem to be at the "up" swing. My sedentary life at a desk probably does not help, but I work out... it doesn't make sense. Anyway, it's always frustrating. I'm not looking for compliments here, just being realistic. When I moved to NYC 2 years ago I was about 5-7 pounds lighter. That's a lot on a 5'4" frame. Sigh. OH- and I'm glad you bought a jade plant. I love them. Just remember- they don't like a lot of water. I probably water mine only a few tablespoons a month. I've also heard that they don't like being re-potted very often. Good luck!