Mar 20, 2007


I don't care much for Tuesdays. It's just Tuesday. Mondays are a fresh start, Wednesdays you're over the "hump", Thursday we're almost there, and Friday... We all love Fridays. I feel "blah" today. No fun.

Mike left for Utah tonight. This means Kashi crunch for dinner, but I forgot to use the freeze dried strawberries I love from Trader Joe's. They make cereal so much better. It's no fun cooking for one. Oh- speaking of cooking- I got home last night and was exhausted, not especially in a culinary mood, augmented by the fact that we have little groceries in our fridge thanks to the upcoming trip, but I felt like I should make Mike dinner since he was getting home later than I was. I called my mom and said, "I have tomato paste. What can I make?" Half an hour later I had a yummy stew and cornbread. The recipe? Chicken broth, tomato paste, sautéed onions, celery, spinach, corn and grilled chicken. I added bow tie pasta at the end, just for fun. It actually turned out fairly well. I was proud of the dinner I put together with all of our "extras". Have I mentioned that cornbread is among my favorite food groups?

I'm excited to go to Utah this week. I leave on Thursday and get back on Monday morning, thanks to the red eye. On the agenda for the weekend: Visiting with family (my two sisters live there, and my parents are coming down from Washington. Mike's sister and brother are at BYU), seeing our friends Kelli, Brad & Cole, eating hamburgers at Brand X, shopping at Nordstrom, going to Sundance, stocking up (if you know what I mean) at the Distribution Center, picking up fudge from the bookstore (my team at work is obsessed with it ever since the Marriott School sent it to me this last Christmas) and playing with my nephew Hudson. On the top of the list: enjoying the slow(er) pace of life & fresh air, if only for 3 days. I've been home less than a week and I'm already tired of the city. Spring needs to come... I'm tired of cold and slush and need to be able to get outside to recharge. The city seems to have been caving in on me over the past few weeks. Hopefully this is due only to a) being overworked and b) a dreary winter. Is it bad that I'm 24 and want to live in the suburbs? I think I'm getting the urge to nest, and I want my nest to be bigger than 600 square feet.


Unknown said...

Kathryn, you're so funny! I felt the same urge after living in a city (not neccessarily to "nest" but to have space and fresh air and a yard). It will be exciting to see where you guys end up in the next little while.

We're excited for you to come too. Hopefully you'll get a little R&R. Oh, and I didn't know you had 2 sisters living here. AND your parents are coming into town. How fun!

k. said...

I want to nest. Nesting doesn't necessarily mean 4 kids and a minivan, but it does mean SPACE. I'm craving it. Once we started looking at houses... the attitude went downhill.

My sister Elizabeth still lives in Vineyard (although their new townhouse in Orem just closed- they're moving in a few weeks), and my sister Joanna lives in Salt Lake, although that was a relatively recent move. Once my parents heard that we were planning on being on the "right" side of the country, they bought tickets to meet up with us. It will be a fun reunion. We'll take any chance we can get to see family, and luckily, this trip will include a lot of family & friends. We're not planning on a lot of sleep!